Last Week I got this message from a client:

Thanks a lot. I'm really glad I found you and your work my man. 

It helped me get laid last night ;) 

girls are often far too intimidate to meet me again so I used that game where we meet in public place (sure enough she dropped me a pink note: I win with a heart). 

I'll make sure more people find out about your work. Hope everything is going well!"

Glad to hear mate that Social Mastery Home Study Course helped you.

What you are experiencing is very common.

Most men struggle to make women come out on a date and have sex.

This used to happen to me as well. Women were uncomfortable coming out to see me.

I use to be very scared, nervous and anxious when I first started approaching women.

I would act aggressive to hide my discomfort or act cocky to show my dominance.

I struggled to keep the conversation going because of my emotional state. Hence, I was not able to build comfort and confidence in women towards me.

I was still taking risks and asking women out on a date.

Surprisingly most of them said yes.

They exchanged phone numbers and even texted back and forth but those interactions always died.

Women rarely came out to see me.

This is when I came with the solution explained in the Social Mastery Book under phone and text game section.

It worked beautifully for me and for hundreds of other clients.

The solution was to engage women in a type of conversation that made them feel as if they have known me for a long time.

The idea was to make them experience the same feelings; they would experience when around their best friends and loved ones.

When women are engaged in the games listed In Social Mastery Book, they begin to feel like they are your partners in crime.

As you experienced firsthand, this technique builds enough comfort to make women to come out and have sex.

Remember though, these tools are only temporary. You do not want to be relying on them forever.

I teach them so you can get a head start on getting dates and having sex.

This is just the beginning…


My advice to you is to watch the T.E.A.S.E System a few times and practice it for few weeks.

Get used to approaching women and experience how your interactions with women change instantly after putting T.E.A.S.E to use.

Then sign up for a workshop and let your struggle with women be a thing of the past.

All my products and training come with 100% money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose but a lot of sex to gain.

I know how to get clients results!

There is a reason 77.3% of my clients end up sleeping with women within one week of live training. These are verifiable statistics.

If you want to be part of this statistic then don’t waste time. Send me an email so I can get you in the workshop and let your story be the next one I publish.

Good job mate and keep it up!

Click Here For Social Mastery Home Study Course