A Step-By-Step Method For Meeting And Dating Beautiful Women Outside Of Bars And Nightclubs.


Do you looking to meet women outside or bars and clubs?

Are you looking for “Natural” “Simple” And “Effective” ways to meet attractive women on regular basis?

Do you feel that you run into attractive women on daily basis but don’t know how to approach them in public places?

Would you like to learn how to approach women that you meet daytime shopping or having lunch and date them?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you need Day Game Information System to master the skills et to meet and date attractive women that you run into everyday.


You see most men focus on going to bars and clubs to find high quality women they want to date.

The truth is that bars and clubs are a hit or miss when it comes to finding HIGH QUALITY WOMEN.

Most of the time you run into high quality women that you would like to date while living your life.

Most of the time it is the accidental run in at a coffee shop, restaurant, shopping mall or street that leads you to the kind of woman you desire.

But most men loose their chance because they have no idea what to do next.

They do not want to make a fool of themselves. Neither do they want to loose her forever.

They prefer not to approach her hoping they might run into each other again under more opportune conditions and something will happen then.

Some men keep visiting the venue repeatedly hoping for chance to happen.

And then there is a group of men who use canned openers and lines to get the woman.

All of these approaches are a fool’s mate!

You do not have to feel hopeless and leave your love life to luck!

You can take control of your love life without trying to hard or making a fool of yourself.

And this is exactly what this information system will teach you.

Watch and read what people said about Day Game Mastery program:

This is a quick review of Magic’s Day Game Mastery program. He covered daygame in his 3 day bootcamp, but it’s so much information that it’s nice to have these DVDs to refresh and look back to.

This is a 5 DVD set and I was really impressed by the quality. It’s pretty much 100% practical content and not ?social dynamics theory? that will get you in your head.

There are a lot of guys teaching Day Game, but pretty much all of the other guys are teaching the old rehashed Jeffries Gold Walkups / Mystery / Sinn Style of Day Game. This product is truly original.

What I really like about his, is that the product is normal. It’s not gamey/flashy rather, his pickups look like it’s like 2 old friends talking when you see him demoing approaches (which definitely helps reduce flakes)

The other bonus of having these videos is that he conveys his “winner” mentality through the screen.

Besides going over fundamentals like body language, getting the number, logistics, touching, he actually goes over contingency plans so you know exactly what to do when the “what if” scenarios happen.

While I have not used his product for day game (it’s cold as fuck in Chicago right now). I have used a lot of his principles (number closing), conversation, vibing in my everyday game. Or as most people would like to know, “Did it help you get laid?” and the answer is Yes. There is a lot of great information in here.

I highly recommend this video product. I’m curious to see what his other video products are. Magic is definitely covering new ground.


Read his testimony on an independent forum here.

You see attraction is not about relying on chance, lines or attractive storytelling to get the woman.

There are four major components to attract women:

And this is exactly what Day Game Information System will teach you.

Day Game Information System (DGIS) is al about revealing qualities you need to possess to transform into a man that women find desirable.

This will help you to make a strong first impression even before approaching a woman. You will stand apart from other men and women will notice this about you within minutes of meeting you.

It will then teach you how to capitalize on your first impression and initiate conversation with women.

This system will teach you how to be a man who is sexual and not ashamed of what he desires.

It will guide you on ways to initiate conversation and set up an instant date.

The system will teach you things to do on the date so you can develop a strong connection which can lead to instant sex or another date.

The bottom line is that is a comprehensive system that will teach everything you need to meet women in different environments during day time – make a strong first impression – approach them without hesitation and fear of rejection – get an instant date and then establish a strong mutual connection.

So without hesitation get this system right now and I promise it will change your dating life forever.

And if you have questions or like to get more information feel free to email: INFO-ATT-AttractionMethods.com and someone from my team will get back to you right away.

Your Friend,
-Magic Le`one

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