Approach anxiety is the fear or feeling that prevent men from walking up to beautiful women and flirt.

Men who suffer from approach anxiety cannot approach women because they believe that women will not appreciate them for who they are.

It is not necessary that these men feel unworthy to date women.

They believe they lack the skillset needed to cast a strong first impression on women and generate instant attraction.

This belief prevents them from approaching women because they do not want to get rejected in front of everyone.

This is very normal!

Approach anxiety is very common among men. Very few men have conquered approach anxiety.

Men apply different remedies to cure approach anxiety. This includes taking medication, going to therapy and practicing pickup.

Most Of These Measures Do Not Eliminate Approach Anxiety Because They Are Flawed By Design.

Most therapists aim to help their clients feel at ease.

Often therapists end up validating client’s rationales for not taking actions. It makes men feel victim and powerless.

They feel justified for not approaching women due to their “Extra Ordinary Circumstances”.

Many therapists who deal with dating, relationships and approach anxiety are themselves a victim of it.

I know this because I have clients who are therapists.

One of them even mentioned to me that, “no one becomes a therapist unless they struggle with the issue themselves“.

Taking help from someone who is struggling himself is a bad idea.

Many dating coaches recommend that you continue to approach women until your approach anxiety disappears.

This Is Risky Advice!

I have seen men with severe approach anxiety and limited skills act on this advice.

They approach women with nervous ticks.

As a consequence women reject them.

This further feeds in to their insecurity and increases approach anxiety.

If you are following any of these methods to get rid of your approach anxiety then STOP right away.

You cannot defeat approach anxiety by playing tricks or feeling warm.

In order to over come approach anxiety you need to discover triggers that are causing it then address them with a systematic plan.

Approach Anxiety triggers vary from men to men.


Here are 3 that I find very common among men:

1. Incorrect Information: Many men feel inappropriate about their desire to approach women for a romantic relationship.

Growing up they have been exposed to the incorrect notion that one objectifies women by expressing sexual desire for them.

They are told that women do not want to be approached and that men disrespect women by approaching them.

Many men grow up with false messages that good looking and high quality women only date men with looks and money.

These mixed messages cause confusion in men about the appropriate strategy to meet women and causes approach anxiety.

They stop approaching women because they do not want women to feel uncomfortable if approaching women is not the right thing to do.

2. Bad Relationship Experience: Some men hold on to their past relationship failures and this generates approach anxiety in them.

Men who stay single for a long time assume they must not be desirable to women and that is why they are single.

Instead of focusing on how to meet women they focus on internalizing the misconception that women don’t find them attractive.

Some men never recover from the experience of a woman walking away from their relationship.

They falsely assume that a woman walking away from their relationship is a sign that they are not good enough to hold onto ANY woman.

These self-fed destructive messages make men feel unattractive and cause approach anxiety.

3. Thoughtfulness: Some men are victim to their own thoughts.

They do thinking on behalf of women.

They feel that they have the responsibility to make women feel comfortable.

They hesitate to approach women or flirt with them because they are unsure if women will like their approach or get uncomfortable with it.

This thinking not only prevents men from approaching women it also demonstrates having lack of faith in the ability of women to take care of self.

Usually it is one or multiple of these factors that prevent men from approaching women.

This is why one CANNOT deploy a single-minded strategy to help men overcome approach anxiety.

In my pick up artist workshop I usually take a 4-step approach to help men overcome approach anxiety:


1. First, I discover reasons contributing to a client’s approach anxiety. Then I help clients reframe their limited thinking into a positive one.

In this step, I address approach anxiety on intellectual and logical level.

However I Know That This is not enough To Help Clients Overcome Their Approach Anxiety!

Most smart men will continue to come up with new excuses on why they should not approach women.

2. To counter this I plant a new belief system in my clients.

I demonstrate and provide ample evidence that women desire them.

I work on their body language, fashion, tonality and presence.

Then I point them to women who eye them.

I make them interact with women on a sexual level. I make them notice participation from women during their conversation.

When this happens a few times, clients start to experience an alternate reality where women enjoy their company and want to be with them.

3. Now it is time to turn this experience into a permanent reality. 

I make clients approach and flirt with multiple women throughout the night. I want to eliminate any doubts that it could be a stroke of luck that some women were interested in them.

Clients get convinced on a logical and emotional level that they have become attractive upon experiencing pleasant interactions with women on multiple occasions.

With constant practice over the next few weeks they get over approach anxiety for good.

4. Finally I make clients internalize healthy habits to smile, make eye contact and give compliments.

This allows them to win friends and establish relationships instantly upon meeting strangers.

This feeds in to their ego of being liked by other people. They start to enjoy company of men and women.

They start paying attention to signs and approach invitations from women.

They give compliments to women and receive compliments in return.

Before you know they start to live a new reality where they feel loved and desired by women.

Now they have no approach anxiety to meet women.


Read Social Mastery Home Study Course And watch the T.E.A.S.E. videos that come with it. I have incorporated lot of content and exercises in this study course to help men overcome approach anxiety.

I used these exercises myself to become confident around women.

Better yet come to a Pickup Artist Workshop and let us help you overcome approach anxiety forever.

Once you are done with a session with us you will become fearless around women. You will feel confident and possess the tool set to approach high quality women and flirt with them on regular basis.

You will find women signal you to approach them on daily basis. Heck you will have women approach you on daily basis.

Your dating life will be completely revolutionized!

Just show up to one of our pickup artist workshops and let your success with women be our problem.

Until Next Time!

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