NOTE: If you’d like to learn more techniques to overcome your “fear of approaching women”…“the art of natural and effortless flirting” that gets women excited – then download Social Mastery Home Study Course right now: Social Mastery Home Study Course
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It is only natural to fear approaching women if you have not had much success in the past.

Most men think there is something wrong with them for feeling this way.

Fear to approach women is ONLY NORMAL.

It shows that you are a socially calibrated and thoughtful person who does not want to make women uncomfortable by your actions.

It is not that you cannot approach women you hold back for not knowing the RIGHT and EFFECTIVE way to APPROACH WOMEN.

Any man who has ever walked the path to becoming successful with women has experienced:

Fear of rejection,

Fear of embarrassment,

Fear of the unknown,

Fear of a woman reacting negatively,

Fear of getting judged negatively.

And the BIGGEST FEAR OF ALL: to admit that we are AFRAID.

As a result we make excuses to cover our fear and justify our inaction.

The denial keeps us from seeking answers/help and excuses keep us from going after what we want.

This emotional state is what really causes approach anxiety.

I know this well because I have been there for a long time and I have stayed there for a very long time.

And I have seen hundreds of men suffer from severe approach anxiety when they first started learning from me.

The funny thing is that in the past 5 years of coaching I do not remember a single client who had approach anxiety by the second day of our workshop.

[dt_quote type=”pullquote” layout=”left” font_size=”big” animation=”none” size=”1″]In order to understand what brings this major turnaround – being fearful of women to becoming fearless within 24 hours – we will need to understand how this FEAR develops.[/dt_quote]

You see fear of approaching women is nothing more than doubting your ability to be liked women.

It is our inability to see that we already possess whatever is needed to get women.

Sometimes it could also involve discovering and learning techniques to become efficient with women.

Majority of men are raised in extreme competitive environment.

It is in our DNA to compete to be the best and to constantly measure ourselves against our peers.

It is in our DNA to sketch roadmap that will lead us to success.

Most men have no idea what “Roadmap of Success” looks like in the dating world.

The absence of such a roadmap in the dating world throws men off and limits them from taking action.

They wait to find answers before they approach women and before you know it turns into a habit of avoiding women.

[dt_quote type=”pullquote” layout=”left” font_size=”big” animation=”none” size=”1″]If you are at the same place there is no reason to wait any longer.[/dt_quote]

Signup for a workshop and let me show you what will work for you. Let me show you things you need to do and little changes you need to make to start getting women.


Once you make these small changes and start getting results approach anxiety will be replaced by feeling of enjoyment.

Instead of worrying about what the woman will say or how your interaction will go you will begin to think about the next steps.

Your focus will shift to getting sexual or how to take a woman home.

And all of this will happen because of the positive experiences you will have during the workshop.

This positive experience will be sufficient to change your belief system and make you realize that you are good enough to get women. All you need is to discover the missing steps.

Or download Social Mastery Home Study Course. I have listed various exercises and techniques I used to get past my approach anxiety.

This course is the road map you are seeking to experience that feeling of being in control.

This course will give you all the steps and techniques in a specific order to help you build a game plan from approaching women to initiating sex including generating attraction, building a connection, and getting sexual.

You can download it here:  Click Here To Get Social Mastery Home Study Course

Until Next Time!

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