There are four simple day game principles that you should practice to approach a woman and make her agree to go on a date with you:

Approach Women So They Cannot Refuse To Talk!

Most men approach women sheepishly.

Do the opposite to get a woman’s attention.

Approach women boldly. Say something funny or make a statement to stop them just like we show in the Day Game DVDs.

Approach them as if you have known them all your life and are just playing with them.

You can also approach women with a compliment or to get directions. If you like you can be direct and let them know that you find them attractive.

Whatever you do keep it fun and simple.

Your goal is to get women excited with your approach.

Your bold, fun and unique approach will present you as dominant and make a woman comply with you by responding.

Watch the video lessons on How To Talk To Women Home Study Course for demonstrations and examples on how to open women using day game.

Break A Woman’s Flow So She Talks To You.

Unless you meet women at a bar or at a party chances are they are out their doing something. This is truer when you meet a woman during daytime. If you see a woman on the street, train, bus or shopping mall chances are that she is on a mission.

You need to take her mind off whatever she is doing and get her to talk to you.

You do this by applying Day Game conversation principles.

When you approach women initiate stimulating conversation as demonstrated in the day game videos.

Talk to her as if you both are 6th grader.

Don’t start interviewing or talk business tone. Don’t show urgency in your voice or try to rush through.

Make some funny statement about her. Tease her or give her a compliment. Say something and give her a little nudge.

This will be enough to lighten the mood of the woman and make her talk to you.

Get Romantic At This Point.

Most Men Fail At This Point Of Day Game Interaction…

Most men hold flirting and getting romantic until they are on a date. This is a very bad habit.

You should start flirting and getting romantic immediately upon approaching women especially during day game.

Touch and flirt with women so they get excited and turned on. But don’t do it too much. You want to leave women wanting more. This will make women respond and participate in their own seduction.

This will also convey a woman that you have romantic interest in her.

Hold a woman’s hand bit longer before you let it go after the handshake. Give her compliments on her look and personality.

Ask her some question or make an observation. Let her know that this observation makes her unique and stand out from other women. Look into her eyes when you say this. Do not be afraid to touch her.

Watch T.E.A.S.E. videos to discover the ways of touching women and getting them turned on. There is over 90 minutes of demonstration in the series on how to touch women at various stages of the interaction to melt a woman.

Now Ask Her Out On A Date Using Day Game Principles

Once you have talked to women for few minutes, flirted back and forth and touched her a few times tell her you want to take her out on a date.

There are many ways to ask a woman out on a date.

You can make your offer sound like date or just a friendly hangout.

Be sure to not stutter or have doubt in your voice when asking a woman on a date. Say it like it is no big deal as if it is the most natural thing to do.

I personally prefer to be direct because I like women to know that I am seeing them as romantic partner. However it all depends on the woman and situation.

The best thing to do during daytime is to take this woman on an instant date just like I demonstrated in the Day Game DVDs.

If you have followed the above steps chances are that she will agree to go on a date with you.

If she shows any resistance to go on a date do not be afraid to persist.

Persisting is not pouting or being needy. When a woman says she really can’t go on a date it is ok to persist once or twice.

Sometimes women just need a moment to switch their answer from no to yes.


Watch Day Game videos to learn the right way to persist a woman into going on a date with you.

If you want to master your skill set to pickup women then come to one of our live training workshops and let us teach you how to pickup women in the real world.

In the mean while watch Day Game DVDs to learn how to pick up women during daytime.

Until next time!

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