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Major Video Tip:
How To Have A Huge Impact On Women
When You Approach Them!

Okay… here’s the clip I was telling you about. Click to WATCH IT NOW:

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If you’d like to LEARN DOZENS MORE WAYS to “magically” control how women respond to you… then use that knowledge to massively TURBOCHARGE your success with women… click here to watch my Social Circle System program!

As you heard in the video most men approach women blindly and thereby risk rejection.

When you approach a woman in this manner you assign higher value to her.

Women do not like this!

Women desire to be with a man of higher status. By showing interest too soon you risk loosing high status in her eyes and thereby make it harder to get her.

This is a dangerous hit or miss strategy that you want to avoid when possible.

Facing cold harsh rejections will only add to the feeling that you don’t have the skills or personality to date attractive women.

There is absolutely no need to go through the VICIOUS CYCLE of taking chances. You have options to influence how a woman will respond to you even before you approach her.

We teach this weekend after weekend in our workshops and have trained hundreds of men who are now successful with women.

If you build value before approaching she feels rewarded and that you chose her when you could have talked to other women.

Women are no less calculating than men.

Men assume that hot women have lot of dates lined up for them, women think the guy they like is liked by every other woman.

When a woman notices something about you she assumes every other woman is taking a note of it and is experiencing the same GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION FOR YOU.

This creates a sense of URGENCY in her to get you before another woman leaps the opportunity.

She now starts to look for an excuse to engage you.

I am sure this has happened to you at some point where a woman out of nowhere gave you compliment or randomly joined in your conversation with another person.

Chances are you got her to notice something about you and made her feel instant attraction without even knowing you were doing this.

The value I am talking about here is different than showing off your wealth, status or position.

This is not about displaying your accomplishments. It’s about taking actions and steering dynamics to trigger emotions and urgency in women to get you.

This is the same urgency and feeling you experience when you see a woman of your dreams but feel helpless to get her.

The good news is that it is easy to make women experience this incredible rush for you on command…you just need to know the elements that have this AMAZING EFFECT on women.

You need to learn how to stand apart from your peers at every venue.

You need to RETRAIN…start seeing men and women around you as assets to influence how a woman feels for you.

You need to stop thinking the traditional way of winning women and start practicing ways to get women to FEEL THAT GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION FOR YOU without approaching them.

I have an amazing information system that will hand hold you and lead you through the process of learning how to transform into a man that appeal to women on a deep emotional level and make them engage you…no bluff or bullshit.

This system will teach you every little technique I have used in the last 7 years to draw beautiful women to me ON MY TERMS.

This includes hot bartenders, airhostesses, work colleagues, my college professor and every other woman I felt attraction for.

The best part I made all these women make the first move.

I am sure you have read client testimonies mentioning how women approach me during workshops or how women go home with my clients the minute I ask them to do so.

Yes it is all because of the value I make them see in me.

Once you go through my system you will be able to have the same MAGICAL EFFECT on women and CONTROL how they respond to you…they will respond extremely positive and submissive to you.

For once you will not have the pressure to approach them and risk facing rejection. I guarantee you that!

You can find out more about this system and get it here:

But to a more serious note:

What Are The Chances You Will Take Action?

Will You Continue To Suffer From Anxiety, Shyness And Fear…Let Every Great Woman Walk Away?

Or Will You Learn Few Simple Fail-Proof Things, Personalize Them And Take Control Of Your Life?

Before you answer that let me point you some statistics:

Over 90% of men who watched this video will do nothing to change their life.

Some might even get the information system but will never go through it or put it to practice…even though this is the answer to their struggle with women.

They are too addicted to their comfort zone and lack the will to change their life.

I know this because I struggled with this myself.

And as someone who overcame my limitation and became successful with women I will tell you that NOTHING WILL CHANGE unless you not only MAKE A RESOLVE to TAKE ACTION but TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW.

Everyday you will have a new excuse how you need to wait until your grandma gets better, you get a new job or loose those extra 10 pounds.

We both know that you made these excuses because it feels TOO MUCH WORK and TOO RISKY to get out there ON YOUR OWN.

It’s better to have an excuse for not having a woman than to face REALITY that you could not get the great woman you liked…It is EXTREMELY HARD to live with this REALIZATION!

And I tell you what: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I was a victim to the same fear for a long time. I was PARALYZED by it. There are millions of men who are suffering the same FEAR as you but are doing nothing to change it.

Look man I am a testament that with RIGHT KNOWLEDGE and PRACTICE you can become good with women.

I am the man who FAILS at matching every criteria of an attractive man in the Western Society.

I have 8 missing teeth’s, receding hairline, belly and Vitiligo spots (white spots) all over my body. Look at my videos and you will see big white spots under both of my eyes.


Not only am I successful with women I am helping other men succeed with women.

If I can do this no reason you can’t.

But you have to MAKE A RESOLVE to TAKE ACTION and you have to DO IT NOW or you will NEVER do it.

There will always be an excuse why you can’t act today and before you know you will loose great opportunities with great women.

If you are willing to commit and take action I promise to work tirelessly and patiently with you until you accomplish your dating goal.

Signup for a workshop and let me give your dating life a jump-start. Let me take you out with me and help you overcome your fears with women. And let me help you become THE MAN WHO GETS WOMEN REGULARLY!

I promise this will happen!

Allow me to help you customize your approach, flirting techniques and lifestyle so you actually start to get women and not just wish you could.

My website is full of success stories and if you are on my mailing mist you probably read new success stories on regular basis.

I must be doing something right to get so many clients succeed.

I have different options including group workshops, year long 1 on 1 training and guarantee program to help you fix your dating life once and for all.

All you have to do is make a commitment to go through the program and leave everything else to my POWERFUL COACHES and ME.

Once you are part of the program it is my responsibility and the responsibility of my coaches to see you SUCCEED!

Click here to take a look at our workshop schedule and signup for a FREE Phone Consult with me:

That is all you have to do…getting you success is my problem!

Your Friend,