Hey Magic,

I am a huge fan of your teachings and have been learning a lot from you.

I have a question. I am 31 years old living in New York. My ultimate goal is to find a beautiful woman and settle down but until that happens I would like to meet women regularly for casual sex.

What would be the best way to do this?

There is a bar near my house and I was thinking to go there 3-4 nights a week. What is the ideal strategy to approach women at bars? How would I go about proposing the idea of having casual sex?

Thanks Magic and keep up the good work!


My Answer:

Hi Jeremy,

Majority of single men go to bars and nightclubs to meet women.

These places are full of women so it seems like the obvious choice to go out to meet women.

However bars and clubs are the hardest place to meet women.

You have no control over what type of women you will meet. Your options are limited to whatever women shows up.

Women have their guards up in bars because drunk and sleazy men constantly hit on them. This makes it harder to connect with women at bars.

Women are also bias to hooking up in bars because of the negative image associated with bar meetings.

And it is the combination of these things that make bar a very hard place to meet women compare to other venues.

Research shows that only 6% of couples hookup in bars.

And if you are thinking casual sex 63% of casual sex happens between men and women who are friends and less that 11% casual sex happens between couples who meet at bars.

This does not mean you cannot meet women at bars. We do that every weekend during our sessions.

However as a strategy you are better of meeting women outside bars for relationship.

Bars are definitely a great place to practice your skills because there are a huge number of women to approach in little time.

If something goes wrong who cares because you probably will never meet this woman again.

Your main goal to go to bars and clubs should be to have fun and meet new women as a side benefit.

The key to winning women at bars is by standing apart from men there and creating a connection.

Most men who go to bars do not have a game plan.

They rely on the numbers game and approach women after women hoping one would respond positively and things will workout.

When you go to a bar your first goal should be to get noticed and get the right attention.

This can be done in many ways.

Your fashion definitely helps but do not stray too far from normal. Women will have hard time connecting with you if there is visible difference between your lifestyles.

When a woman looks at you she should see a man with good body language, confidence and decent sense of fashion.

Now you come across as a normal man she can date.

You can then engage a group of other people and have fun interaction to demonstrate that you are cool, safe and liked by other people.

You can also make long extended eye contacts with her and exchange a smile.

You can walk up to her right away or wait a bit before you do. If you decide to wait make sure to make eye contact from time to time or she will think you are not into her and the initial eye contact was just a fluke.

Then approach her.

I highly recommend against using any canned openers.

The more normal you will come across the easier it will be for her to trust and connect.

The best opener in the world is: Hi or Hey.

Don’t ignore her friend and make sure to engage both of them equally.

You do not want to come across socially miscalibrated or too desperate for her.

Then continue the conversation.

Once again avoid pickup routines.

Attraction does not happen because of lines or stories attraction is a direct result of Non-Verbal Elements that you use during your interaction with women.

I usually carry the normal conversation and ask questions on what she does for living and where she lives.

These questions work the best.

However instead of making them sound like an interrogation I use this information to steer conversation.

Based On her answers I can give her a compliment, or tease her or use it as an opportunity to touch her.

And this is where attraction happens.

For instance if she replies she is an accountant I can:

Tease Her: I can tell you are a gold digger and laugh.

Compliment Her: That was refreshing! Thanks for having a real job. I was beginning to think women these days only like goofy gigs like acting or modeling.

It is refreshing to meet someone with a real job.

Nothing against women who want to be entertainers it’s just I was bore of meeting them one after another. (the last part was to ensure I do not sound judgmental towards women with different career)

Steer Conversation: That is funny. I was just having a conversation with my friend on how cool it would be to become an accountant or something similar where most of your job is on computer.

This way you could be sitting in Cancun and working.

I am traveller and ideally want to work from a beach.

Are you a traveller? How often do you travel? Which is your favorite destination and why? (Watch Flirting Manual to learn conversation tips and techniques to interact with women.)

Touch Her: You could use any the compliment to high five her and hold her had a bit longer like I show in the T.E.A.S.E. videos. Or have an extended handshake when introducing yourself or gently hug her when you tease her.

Then all you have to do is to steer conversation in the right direction depending on your goal to become friends with her, get her on a date or to make One-Night-Stand happen.

Get Social Mastery Home Study Course to get a blue print on how to meet women in bars and other places and make them feel attraction for you. This program teaches how to meet and attract women at various places including bars.

It will help you develop confidence and overcome approach anxiety.

By the time you are done with this program you will now exactly how to meet women at bars and other places and establish instant connection with them.

Attraction is counterintuitive to most men.

It is not a result of your interaction but the things you do during the interaction.

A woman must begin to see you as the man she would like to date.

Men usually try to win woman by flashing accomplishments in order to make a woman feel attraction for you need to say and do things that effect her on emotional level.

And this is exactly what Social Mastery Home Study Course will teach you.

You can get it here:


Your Friend!