What Do Women Want? Why Does My Conversations Do Not Lead To Anything? She Is Talking To Me? What Do I Do Now? Women Talk But Nothing Happens? How Do I Take My Interaction To The Next Level?

I have been meeting women for over a year now and I’m good at initiating conversation. Women usually enjoy my company yet I don’t have any success beyond casual conversation. My interactions never go anywhere. Most nights I get a phone number but women rarely answer my calls. I know I am doing something wrong but can’t figure out what!
I Have All The Tools But I Never Get Results!


Most focus so much on “what to talk to women about” that they fail to realize it is far more important to talk in the RIGHT WAY. If you don’t understand how to carry a conversation, it really doesn’t matter what you’re talking about.

When it comes to dating, men choose the path of most resistance. They assume that if they’re not working hard they won’t see results.

I made a quick video to show you the biggest mistake in this style of approach, its disastrous consequences, and what you need to do DIFFERENTLY.

Just watch the video below:

Most men never pause to think about what a woman’s day must be like, that she could be unhappy with her job, that she doesn’t have great friends, or that she is struggling to reach her goals.

I met a woman who happened to be a fashion designer. I could tell she was used to men using her profession to flatter her. Most guys never paid attention to the fact that she was not a fashion designer but a “struggling fashion designer” – a major distinction. Instead of flattering her through her profession I addressed the challenges she must face being in the world of fashion.

I made a strong impression by letting her know that, unlike other men, I am not impressed by her profession. If anything I can see her struggles. She dropped her guards and emotionally opened up once she realized I understood her.

An hour later she was at my place and year’s later we sill have a connection:

Magic's Date


Women have 2 sides. One is tough and is vital in getting them through a dog-eat-dog world. The other is incredibly feminine. The later side is usually hidden because its “unsafe” to be vulnerable.

Women are genetically programed to need men. Socially, they are conditioned to be independent.

Every woman SECRETLY CRAVES a man who can see through her. A man who can seduce her. Unfortunately, most MEN FAIL at reading what women want and fail at delivering without being obvious.

Your goal should be to LEAD WOMEN past their social conditioning into an emotional attachment with you.

Playing to her EMOTIONS is the FASTEST WAY to making her fall for you.

Women have a strong sense of emotion. Any man who can EVOKE these emotions will always come out on top (literally).

Download my Social Mastery Home Study Course to learn a different way of hooking up with women. This course is so EFFECTIVE at getting real-world results, I want you to go out and try it TODAY. You can download the T.E.A.S.E. system here: Social Mastery Home Study Course

Or come to a workshop and let me help you get REAL RESULTS fast!  One workshop and you will know exactly how to be successful with women!

You can signup for the next workshop here: Personal Coaching

Until Next Time!
