Would You Like Me To Give You A Custom Tailored Seduction System For Free, That'll Make Attractive Women Beg To Be Possessed By You Even If They Are Out Of Your League...
You'll Become The #1 Choice Of Every Woman. They'll Choose You Over All Other Men Resulting In Ultimate Power To Have Sex With Any Woman You Choose!
No More Feeling Like A Desperate Loser Who Fears Rejection And Does Not Know What To Say To Women. Good Looking Women Will Chase You And Do All The Work - Even Your Female Friends Will Compete To Get In Bed with You!
You Will Attain High Status Among Men And Every Man Would Want To Be Friends With You Hoping To Get A Little Piece of The Action By Getting In Your Good Books!
And I Am Willing To Do All Of This For You
From The Desk Of Magic Leone
Miami, FL.
Dear Friend,
I’m looking for “dream” clients that I can bring massive dating success.
If that’s you, I will personally work with you one-on-one to help you date any woman you want, have sex on regular basis and never worry about women not liking you or getting bored of you.
You Pay Nothing Out Of Pocket!
Here's why.
The first thing I’m going to do for you is personally Identify your number one obstacle to succeeding with women. I will then create and teach you a simple system that is unique to your personality and will get you super fast results with women.
This will completely reverse your situation and give you the ultimate power to meet and date attractive women without fear, doubt or hesitation.
There’s no charge for this and it only takes about 45-60 minutes for us to do this together.
(After doing this type of thing for almost 8 years straight, I’ve gotten pretty good at getting fast results).
Anyway, I’ll even do most of the heavy lifting for you...telling you exactly where to meet the kind of women you want, unless you already have your eyes on a particular woman…
…how to position yourself and generate attraction before the approach so you never get rejected by a woman you like...
...saying words that will trigger lust in women. Women will open up sexually to you instead of playing "I am nice girl who is not interested"...get eager to go home and have sex with you.
You will be able to use my teachings to generate massive attraction regardless of where you meet her, who she is with and even if she is in a steady relationship.
You will put her under your "Lust Spell" without looking desperate or trying too hard. If anything, she will be the one trying to get your attention and seduce you.
My attraction technique will position you as the ideal man she has been looking for all her life and can’t afford to let go of you.
At the end of this initial planning session one of these three things will happen:
- You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.
- You love the plan and ask to become my client so I can personally help you become a SEX GOD and start having sex with attractive women ASAP.
If that’s the case, I will guarantee to make it happen for you ...I’ve never had an unhappy client - and I’m pretty sure they’re not sticking around because of my good looks!
- In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like I wasted your time, I will send you $99.00 as payment immediately. No questions asked. Your time is your most valuable asset you have, and I respect that.
It really is that simple and there’s no catch.
Think about this.
The “worst” that can happen is you get $99 for “wasting” 45-60 minutes of your time.
The best that can happen is we work together one on one and you start hooking up with attractive women on regular basis - something you never thought was possible but that is MY GUARANTEE!
That's Why This Is The QUICKEST WAY To Start
Without Paying For It.
Here's how it'll work:
First, we get on the phone one on one and go over your current situation.
I want to investigate your IMMEDIATE BIG HURDLE, fears, hesitations, and challenges that freeze you around women. We'll come up with a rock solid strategy to bypass your obstacles and get you a hot girlfriend.
We will explore the real reasons why women are disinterested in you and why they walk away from you and what has worked or not worked for you in the past.
Then give you quick fixes to immediately start dating women without needing any luck, friends or external support.
We will dig out any misinformation that is causing you to push women away. This is usually the number one reason why men fail with women. Most men are unaware of the bad programming in them that drives women away.
I want to know if you currently have a process to meet women, initiate interaction, and flirt with them plus the usual outcome of your strategy.
We will modify it with my rejection proof formula so you can engage women without any fear, doubt or hesitation and hear a definite yes every single time.
I want to know if you have any mechanisms in place to get sexual with women without coming across as creepy and weird.
I'll teach you my super seduction model that women love. It quickly gets them turned on and eager to have sex with you even if they stand next to their boyfriend...
...No one will be able to tell what is going on between the two of you but soon you will notice her staring at you, her face will turn red, she will begin to breathe heavy, start finding excuses to touch you and even position herself extremely close to you...
...You will notice a definite shift in her behavior as she may start whispering in your ears, start taking sips from your drink or ask you to walk her to the restroom...She will steer conversation to sex and relationship then signal you to touch her, seduce her and take her home. She'll even initiate plans to meeting alone so she can have sex with you.
On this call, I will ask many personal questions to draw an accurate profile of you and your lifestyle. We need to dig out angles, stories, lifestyle and behavior that will position you "Superior" to other men...
...You will become the best option among men and gain popularity with women. They will talk about you to friends and even show you off to them. You will never get stuck in the "friend zone" again because every woman will want to be more than friends with you.
Finally we'll discuss your end goal so we can start putting together a perfect plan of action.
Using this information we will make a simple seduction strategy that is tailored to your personality + comfort level. This simple to execute strategy will turn you into a living SEX GOD!
Women will lust for you shortly after meeting you. They will not be able to get you out of their mind and will become restless until they see you again. They will initiate text messages and even ask you out on a date.
You will be able to talk to any woman you want, no matter where you meet her and who is accompanying her. Using my simple everyday seduction strategy you will have her desperately begging for sex within minutes of meeting her - I GUARANTEE THAT!
I have used this information to help clients from all walks of life and got them mind-blowing success with women.
Here are a few examples:
Physically Handicapped Client's Journey To Threesome!

Chicago, IL
I trained this guy with physical handicap. He was very depressed when I first met him. Women kept rejecting him because of his condition.
I helped him with a strategy unique to his situation and within days he was having sex with women.
He had two girlfriends who were bringing other girls to him to have a threesome. Later he settled down with a woman he had a strong connection with who ended up leaving her husband for him.
You can listen to his story here:
Sexless Marriage To Foursome With 3 Women In After Week Of Training

Los Angeles, Ca
He was in a ten-year sexless marriage where his wife was going out and sleeping with other men. He used to find used condoms in the car left from his wife's lovers.
He was devastated, had low self-esteem and felt like a loser. He was convinced that he was not good enough for women and the every woman he dates will end up leaving him for another man sooner or later.
He started paying for sex.
I helped him with a strategy unique for his situation and he ended up taking a woman home from the workshop. He then had a foursome with three women he met at a bar in Miami just one week after the training.
This is what he said:
as married for nearly 10 years in dysfunctional sexless relationship. Everyday, for years, I would work and she would take care of our son. I would come home from work, she would cook dinner and then she would go out at night and sleep with other guys. It killed my self esteem. I believed I didn’t deserve better. When I recently became single, the “single scene” seemed daunting. I had no skills, no “game” and no self esteem. I stated looking for help. I knew I deserved a lot more. I am a good guy. I am handsome (so I’ve been told). I am also successful in my field. I also knew I could not dig out of this hole on my own. I started looking for help. I bought some books, read some website but then I ran into Magic’s Attraction methods. On my very first weekend, as a single man, after checking out the T.E.A.S.E. videos (but before taking the course), I landed a beautiful young blonde 26 year old women at a bar (just a phone number on the first night). Seeing that this system might work (and after seeing that Magic’s methods were all natural and not based on how much you could fake), I signed up. After some training on the first day, that same night on the field, another student and I got laid (on the same night!!!). Wow!! On the second night of training, I was able to do something that I’ve never been able to do. I went up to several groups of women and I was able to strike up engaging conversations (my biggest hurdle). The real magic started happening about a week later. I went to Miami on business trip. One of the nights on the business trip, I went out by myself. I met three female tourists. Using all of the attraction methods, the girls stayed with me the whole night. At several times through out the night we did a “four-way” kiss. Wow!!! I was amazed. The girls aged 24-30. One was super hot, one was hot and the other was OK. We ended up back at their room (they shared a room) having sex all night!!! All I can tell you is that I have never had this sort of success in my life; even when I was single before I was married. Magic is amazing. If you are thinking about the program, you will not be disappointed. He goes deep into your soul, rips out the bullshit and lets you fill it with who you are. Thank you Magic. I am forever indebted. |
Here is my next client who just got featured on Yahoo News for living his ultimate dating life:
Yahoo News Discusses My Client Living His Love Life To Full Potential With The Woman Of His Dreams
Jerremy Seattle, Wa |
This client used to work for a Microsoft when I first met him. He was committed to mastering his dating life but had no idea where to start. During our first training session he was struggling to talk to women and generate attraction. He is now travelling the world with his dream woman and is about to become a father. Jeremy met his partner at a business conference in Hong Kong and have been together since. He is a perfect example that you can live your ideal love life with proper skillset and training. |
And here is the next success story:
Hopeless Romantic Meet The Woman Of His Dreams Has A One Night Stand And Gets Married To Her!
Joe Hanson
Miamir, Florida
He was heartbroken when the woman of his dreams dumped him because he was bald and not well placed in life.
I sensed his insecurity and powerlessness around women when I first met him. It was also clear that he was looking to have a real committed relationship with one special woman but he did not want to wait for luck or chance to find him a woman.
We worked on a strategy and gave him the training. One month after the training he met the woman of his dreams, had a one-night stand with her and got married to her couple years later. He is now a proud dad.
This client successfully got his Ex Girlfriend back after the training
Shy Guy Lost His Girl And Started Settling For Women He Did Not Like. After Workshop Had Several One-Night Stands And Got His Ex Girlfriend Back.
Michael Donovan
San Francisco, Ca
This client was shy and heartbroken. He lost the woman he loved. He could not approach women even if women showed interest in him.
His dating life changed after the workshop. He slept with numerous women. He gained superiority in his social circle and earned respect of men around him.
The natural consequence of his new strong and confident personality was that this EX Girlfriend came back to him and they are now together.
You can hear his story in the video.
And One More For The Road
Shy Guy Went From Total Rejection To Having Sex With Multiple Women Including Co-workers, Friends, Actresses, Strippers And Bartenders
Sean Kennedy
Denver, Co
He was a typical case of shy, anxious, awkward and completely clueless man. Women and dating were a foreign territory to him.
He used to get rejected by every woman he ever met.
I created a strategy for him and now this guy is living his ideal sex life. He has slept with numerous women, has had threesomes and dated some very attractive women including bartenders, actresses and strippers.
You can hear his story in the video.
Here is my next client who slept with a playmate and started his own dating coach service in New York:
Client Slept With Playmate And Started Own Dating Coach Service in New York
Christopher Luna New York, Ny |
Meet Chris Luna one of the leading dating coach's in New York who has been interviewed by numerous TV and News papers all over the world including Cosmo, New York Times, Fox News and the list goes on. I trained Chris in Los Angeles and 2 days after the training he slept with a Playmate he met at the Playboy Mansion. He has slept with many women since. He then went a head and started his own dating company under the name craft of Charisma |
By now you should have a good idea how my strategy can turn you into a SEX MAGNET with powers to attract amazing women of your choice, date them and have sex with them on regular basis - even marry the one you want.
And like I said, there's no charge for this.
So Why Would I Offer It?
Two reasons:
First of all, I enjoy helping men who want to improve their dating lives. It's easy for me to get them fast results and thereby earn bragging rights :)
Plus, it makes me very, very happy to see someone turn their dating life around and marry a very attractive woman or have regular sex with multiple good looking women as a result of the help I give them.
Second of all, it's how I attract Clients.
Here's how that works: Assuming the strategy I give you makes you happy...and you want more support to attract hot women in your life, you'll probably want to hire me to help you execute this strategy so you can start getting results overnight.
The best seduction system or and the best pickup line in the world is as effective as the man behind it.
If you have gotten poor results in the past from various systems, it is because you have not been able to make them work for you.
99% of men fail to modify a system to match their personality and make it work...When they get average results or no results at all, they think the system does not work or that they are not good enough to get women even with an effective system.
Try this tonight. Ask two of your friends to deliver a dialogue from a movie. None them will have the same impact on you as the original actor. This is because the dialogue was written to work for the actor not for your friends. Do you think "Say Hello To My Friend" from the movie Scarface will have the same effect if delivered by Jim Carry? This is why they cast characters and make sure the actor can do justice to lines in the script.
Now you understand that the best dialogue in the world will fail in the hands of the wrong actor similarly the best system in the world will have no effect on women unless it is tailored to your personality.
This is why most of my clients hire me. They want me to take them in the real world and make the system work so they can start getting women right away without any doubts, failure or rejection.
You'd want me to take you in the real world and show you execution so you get results today not tomorrow...and avoid all possible mistakes to get fast results with zero doubts about the process.
The fastest way to learn is by executing a strategy that gets results then repeating what gets you results and take your skill set to new heights making it possible to marry your dream woman or have sex with multiple attractive women.
You'd want me to keep tweaking this strategy until it becomes natural to you...and gives you the ability to approach and get any woman you want –whenever and wherever you want - on autopilot.
You would want me to point your blind spots, catch your mistakes and correct them so you don't keep loosing women - worse- not even know why you lose women and how to fix it.
If this is the case, I might invite you to my 3 day dating program ...which is specifically built for people like you who want total control in their dating life.
The "fee" for the program is $3555...which is nothing compared to the amount of money you already spend on meeting women when you go on dates, join online websites, go to bars or buy expensive clothes to impress women.
Your confidence in your ability to attract any woman you want without fail, the pleasure of spending your life with hot attractive women or special woman... instead of spending alone and the status of "Superior Man" as opposed to a desperate loser is priceless!
Actually, I can give you a system to start meeting women and dating them during our first conversation - which is free!
So you'll see the value by the time we hang up the phone - without ever spending a dime.
And look, If you don't want to become a member, don't worry about it. You won't get any sales pitch or pressure from me of any kind, ever.
In fact, here's my "GIANT BALLS PROMISE" to you:
You Find Our Conversation To Be Incredibly Valuable Or I'll Pay You $99.00 Immediately To Compensate You For Your Time.
Now, obviously this is an amazing offer which you'll probably never see from any other "Dating Coach" in the world.
Think about it.
I'm personally generating a strategy for you to meet and have sex with women on regular basis up front - for free - and then letting you pay me later if (and only if) you decide to work together long term.
Plus, I'm taking it one BOLD step further by guaranteeing you'll find this free plan immensely valuable - or I'll pay you $99.00 just for wasting your time.
Just tell me, and it's yours. No questions asked.
Who Else Would Do That?
NOBODY. (I checked).
But I'm happy to put it on the line like this because my coaching clients always stay with me, send in great feedback, and report great results.
After all, I'm the highest paid dating and relationship coach on the planet for a reason.
My stuff works, and I know that if we work together, you'll be thrilled with the results you get out of it.
Consider this:
Over the past eight years, I've generated 100's of success stories from clients who have trained with me.
I have been hired by celebrities, business men, lawyers, doctors, top CEOs and professionals from companies like Google, Face Book, Apple, Microsoft, Wall Street and many other prominent names.
Anyway - as you can imagine, I'll get a LOT of interest from this letter.
And that's why I need you to read this next part carefully:
This Is NOT For Everybody.
Here's Who I CAN Help:
I'm VERY picky about who I'll speak with and I've got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed.
Here it is:
You are someone who has achieved financial freedom. You have sold your company, developed your software or have landed your dream job. You have made it financially and are now ready to build a strong love life that matches your professional success.
If you are preoccupied with work you will not be able to take full advantage of the strategy I give you - you will not be able to devote 6-8 hours a week to date and have sex with women.
Your end goal is not just to meet a woman or get laid but also to genuinely understand the principles of attraction and love.
More importantly you want to discover how you come across to women then make changes so women will find you irresistible. You want to understand what will make a woman choose you over other men.
You are interested in learning female psychology and physiology that triggers attraction in women. You are not here to learn cheesy - awkward pickup lines and routines. This is not a approach 500 women and push them hard until you get lucky program. You want to learn to avoid being the weird guy who approached them instead become the man they wished approached them.
You want to learn elements that trigger massive attraction in women and how you can embed them in your every day conversation so women experience NATURAL ATTRACTION for you. You want techniques to generate emotions that women love and gets them restless to see you again and have uninhibited sex with you. You want skills to hijack female brain by triggering lust that makes them think of you at all times.
You want to discover deep female desires and motivations so you can generate strong-passionate emotions in women for you. You want to learn the secret codes and signals women give when they feel attraction for you.
You MUST follow directions. (Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything weird.) After all, if you don't actually implement the stuff I give you, neither one of us will accomplish anything.
You have the time and resources to commit to the program. If I accept you in the program you will be able to travel to me to Miami, FL or fly me to you for a weekend and work 1 on 1 with me.
That's it! Those are all my requirements.
Here's What I Want You To Do Next
If you meet the criteria above and would like to talk to me personally about getting you incredible results, then I'll happily set aside some time for you.Here's how the process works:
First, you'll need to fill in an application. Don't worry, it's simple and unobtrusive.
I just need to know a little bit about your situation so I am prepared for your call. Everything you share with me in this application or over the phone is 100% confidential and I will never share it with anyone unless they water board me.
I'm also going to ask for a "real person" deposit" of $99.
Don't worry, I could care less about your $99.
I'm just using it as a "filter" to keep the time-vampires at bay.
I'll give it back right after we hang up (unless I take you as a client - and in that case, I can apply it to your balance.)
Here's What Will Happen After That.
Once I have your "real person" deposit and your application, I will send you a link to schedule your phone call with me.Our initial call will be between 45 and 60 minutes.
This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want ...and how to make it happen.
I'll painstakingly review your goals, your obstacles, and so forth ...and I'll deliver a plan to start getting women right away.
If you see the value in becoming a member, great! We can talk about it.
And if you don't want to become a member, - that's OK too.
I'll return your deposit as soon as we hang up. No biggie.
And if you tell me I've wasted your time, I'll give you DOUBLE your deposit back immediately.
So you literally can't lose.
(By the way - I've never had anyone feel like their time was wasted. EVER. That's why I can make this offer. I DELIVER. Would anyone else take such a risk?)
This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people.
Also, you should realize there's a very large demand for personal one-on-one help from me, and what I'm offering to you is unprecedented.
So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won't be open long.
If you feel like this is right for you, click here, leave your application and let's talk.
Talk soon,
Magic Leone
P.S. You might be wondering what you "get" in a three day dating program.
The main "thing" you get is me. Personally.
Like I said earlier, our first conversation together is free and it will be around an hour or so.
In that conversation I'll give a Plan specifically for you to start meeting and having sex with women - right away!
I'll also give you some steps that you can take immediately to get fast results.
You get that first call regardless of whether or not you become a member.
Now - if you DO become a member, you're going to access to me personally.
Here's how a typical program breaks down:
The program runs three days from Fri-sun evening.
On our first night:
We go out in the town and have you approach women. This is the night where I want to establish a base level for you by observing your interactions.
This night is all about observing mistakes that cost you women.
Our observations from this night will help us identify weak spots that get you disliked by women, result in embarrassing rejections and kill conversations.
We will use this information to our advantage and strategize so women desire you and beg to go home with you.
You will already have a game plan from our phone call.
Now it's time to observe all execution mistakes and unrecognized old bad habits that push women away.
At the same time we pay attention to how women perceive you. This helps us to identify your strengths and weaknesses which we'll use to spark attraction and eliminate any chance of resistance.
Finally I will be paying attention to your understanding and execution of non-verbal communication.
I want to make sure you can use body language, eye contact and tonality to trigger instant attraction in women. We will catch any mistake that makes you less attractive or insecure in the eyes of women.
It is also important that you read female body language and interpret true intentions behind their words thereby avoiding costly mistakes that lands you in friend zone...
Our observation from this night will give me a checklist of behavior, mindset and habits that need work to establish a genuine lasting connection with women.
On the second day:
We will take our experience from the first night and polish your interaction.
Now that we know why you fail with women it is time to make corrections and become number 1 choice of every woman -then take home any woman of your choice.
I will give you feedback from last night and point mistakes that make you unattractive to women.
And then you will learn the right way to interact with women and make them like you unconditionally.
We will run practice drills to make everything a muscle memory. Hereon you will never have to worry about women not liking you, getting bored of you and thinking of you as a loser.
On this day I will teach you what works for you and:
- A simple technique to get over your fear of women and never get rejected again. You will never need another excuse or a drink to engage and get sexual with women.
- How to position yourself so women approach you. You will have the power to choose the woman you want and not be on her mercy to like you. You will learn to cast strong first impression and become irresistible to women.
- How to talk to any woman even if she is with her friends or boyfriend and make her fall in love with you and respect you. Her friends will love you and say good things about you - her boyfriend will have no idea what is happening right under his nose.
- How to be SUPERIOR to other men and generate attraction even if you are not her type or she has rejected you before.
- Secrets of body language, eye contact and tonality that transmit sex signals. Within minutes, women will position close to you hoping you'll start an interaction.
- How to use non-verbal elements of communication to generate attraction and get her sexually aroused. Women will feel extreme attraction for you and will not be able to hold back. They will touch you, kiss you and go home with you. In the event they cannot go home with you they will anxiously wait to see you again because of the strong sexual connection with you.
- We'll go over any insecurity that is making it hard for you to take action or have you stuck in your head. I will teach you to turn your insecurities into strength with one simple exercise. It does not matter if you got cheated in your last relationship, or if you are short, fat or old and even if you have never been with a woman.
This step is essential to your success. You can learn every trick in the book, but unless you have confidence in who you are, you'll consistently fail. We will work together to crush those annoying insecurities that are holding you back to get you thinking clearly and fired up!
- You'll learn my conversation technique that builds strong lasting connections with women. Most men bore women to death and women either walk away or put them in the friend zone for lack of sexual chemistry. I will teach you how to create sexual chemistry with just 3 simple steps and have any woman begging you for sex.
- You will learn to make strong everlasting bonds using elements from your life. This will make you the "RIGHT MAN": of every woman. You will create connections that will keep women coming back to you, stay with you and even marry you if that is what you want.
- You'll learn my sexual model and have sex even with women you thought you had zero chance with. You will know exactly how to start touching a woman in a manner she enjoys and get her to reciprocate. You will learn the right time and manner to initiate a kiss using my 3 rejection proof moves. Finally you will learn my powerful moves to get women horny and take them home for sex.
We will go out again that night and I'll be with you every step of the way. I'll subtly join your interactions and guide you when you need it. Along the way I'll tell you what to do, what to say and when to do it.
You'll start to notice the results immediately. Women who would have rejected you before will now start to flirt with you, touch you, kiss you, and YES, even go home with you. This is very common in my workshops.
By the end of the night you will have flirted with enough women and to know that this strategy works for you and all you have to do is keep repeating it.
You will feel in control and have power over women.
You will have total confidence to meet and take any woman home no matter where you meet her or who she is with - then establish an open-ended or long term committed relation.
By the way you will be able to take this skillset outside of bars and seduce women. It works great on women who are your friends or the one who you meet in parties, classes, social events and even women who work in clothing stores and restaurants.
The third day
We start with fashion makeover. Nothing weird or out there. I will show you normal style of clothing that brings out your personality, stands you apart from other men and makes you approachable to women. You do not have to buy any clothes just understand the principles so you can update your look with time.
I will cover all lose ends of the game including texting, setting dates, one night stands, threesomes with two women, dating multiple women, dating at work and school, turning female friends into lovers, and meeting women during day time.
Next, we'll cover a very valuable lesson on how to build a social circle ground up. Going to bars is great but it is not very practical in the long run. You will meet amazing women outside of bars on your way to work, in restaurants, at parties, work and social events and so on.
I'll give you a perfect system to meet women outside of bars and turn them into sex partners. This is the same skillset you need to turn your female friend into your lover.
It is ok if you do not have a single male or female friend in your life right now. I will teach you where to meet the kind of people you like and jumpstart your social circle.
You will have the ability to have regular threesomes and orgies using your social circle. You will have multiple women from your social circle ready to come over for sex with just one text.
I will teach you my favorite ways to meet new women and even bring your ex back in your life. You will never have to worry about not having enough prospects to date. You will have the ability to meet 2-3 new women every day even if you live in a small town.
This skillset will also help with your career. It will place you above other candidates in a job interview and create strong business network for you.
Everything I teach you will be a step-by-step easy to execute process as oppose to vague theory and principles.
By the end of three days you will have transformed into a completely new and a superior man.
You will feel confidence in your ability to seduce hot women.
You will have a game plan to meet women and take them home for sex on regular basis.
You will know exactly how to get that special woman you have your eyes on and you will have a step-by-step blueprint to make threesomes and orgies happen.
This is a genuinely rare opportunity.