Re-Attract Any Woman

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In this post, I will share my 3-step process to re-attract the woman you love even if you messed up so you can be with the one you love and not lose her.

I have achieved excellent results with this every time I used it for clients and myself.

So hopefully, it will do wonders for you, as well!


Right now, you may be experiencing problems with a woman you love. Maybe you started dating someone recently, or you are in a relationship, and things have gone down.

It is ok.

It happens to everyone.

We all make mistakes, and often things go wrong.

It is the end of the world.

You are not the first or the last man with whom she will experience that.

And at some point, she will do the same.

However, it is upon us to fix this right now.

So let’s get going.

Avoid This Deadly Mistake!

Before I discuss, what to do, I want to address what not to do.

Stop chasing her, convincing her, apologizing to her, calling her, leaving her messages, or any other activity you are doing to win her back.

These moves will backfire big time.

Pause and take a breath.

Often we develop an irrational fear of losing the woman in situations like this.

This fear of loss turns into desperation.

We try extra hard to save our relationship, but our actions only push her away.

The reason is that she is experiencing negative emotions right now. When you keep pushing, you keep adding to her negative emotions.

In situations like this, we need her to stop feeling negative before attracting her again.

So do not worry.

There is a good chance you won’t lose her as long as you do not push her away out of desperation.

Here Is The 3-Step Plan To Re-Attract The Woman You Love

STEP - 1 - Investigate The Situation

The first step is to pause and assess your situation. Did you mess up?

A small percentage of women create drama in the relationship for no reason.

They are hardwired to do so.

They are not bad necessarily, but this is how they operate.

Start by investigating if there is a pattern in their behavior.

Does she accuse you of something or pick up a fight every few weeks.

If yes, then she is probably doing it again.

You have the choice to ignore her and walk away from her.

In situations like this, I usually address their behavior.

If they do not change, I stop participating in discussions when they act out.

And finally, I walk away if she does not change her behavior because I hate drama.

Now, if you know that she is right, and you did actually mess up, I want you to investigate further.

Was this a one-off, or do you have the pattern to repeat this mistake?

Have you been doing this all along?

Have women in previous relationships told you the same?

Do your friends and family point this out to you as well?

If this was a one-time thing, no problem. It happens.

If you find this is something you keep doing, you need to investigate further and maybe even get help to fix it.

You will keep sabotaging all your relationships and drive away women you like by not addressing the behavior.

You cannot address it right away, but start working on it.

Step - 2 - Take a Temporary Break And Take Actions To Improve The Odds

Take some time off and work on yourself before re-attracting her.

This is important.

Right now, she is in a negative space. Any attempt made right now will add to her negative emotions.

We want to wait a little while until her negative emotions die down.

It will happen over time.

Also, when you take a break, she will wonder why you stopped chasing her.

This distance will soften her. There is a good chance that she will reach out to you.

Keep yourself busy and distracted. It will reduce the desperation.

You will have stories to tell when you meet her again, and she will also notice the changes in you as a result of these actions.

Step - 3 - Meet And Re-Attract

Now is the time to re-attract her.

As I mentioned earlier, there is a good chance she will reach out to you after a while. 

Women always do.

She will be wondering what you are up to and why aren’t you calling her.

If she does not call, you can call her after some time has passed.

Do not discuss the past. Talk to you like you guys just met for the first time. We want her to experience feelings of attraction and desire instead of focusing on what went wrong. 

Talk to her like she is your new date.

Send text messages as if you just met her. Keep things light, fun, and flirtatious.

Then ask her out as if you were asking her for the first time.

Invite her to the favorite venue of you both. 

Maybe there was a place where you met first or a place you frequently visited to have a good time. Invite there.

Enjoyable activity or venue will generate positive feelings, and she will be more likely to come out.

When she is with you, talk like this is your first date.

This date will change her feelings towards you.

Her negative emotions will be replaced by new positive emotions arising from your date.

She will see changes in you.

She will see that you like her but did not act desperate around her.

All of this will generate new respect for you in her.

You guys will be back together before you know it.

Then at some point down the road, you can address the issue if it is important enough and needs a discussion.

The idea is to hold your desperation, let her get past the negative emotions, then generate new feelings for you.

This move will get the job done 99% of the time.

Hope this helps, and wish you the best!


Had One Night Stand After Watching DVDs


Thank you so much for sharing your videos.

I actually ended up getting an One Night Stand right afterwatching your DVDs.

Seemed to work really well haha.

My handle is XXX if you want to read the report. Please let me know what you schedule is going to be like afteryou return from visiting your family.

I’d really like to schedule one of your training sessions.

Thanks again,
– Chris
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Made Love With A Girl Who Was My Long-Time Friend!

Thanks Magic! I made love with a girl this weekend who was my friend from long time.

With my new look and aggressiveness i think i was able to come out the safe guy mode.

You changed my life!
Sai Manohar

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Slept With Two Different Girls Back To Back!

Hi Magic, I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from you so far.

I’ve read ‘social mastery’ watched the social circle DVD’s and had a 30 minute phone call with you.

All of this has made a big difference.

I had my first ‘back to back’ two weeks ago where I slept with two different girls for the first time. One of them was 25, which is really the age category I find myself attracted to (I’m 32).

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Pulled 5’10” Eastern Bloc Model Home The Same Night Using This System!

I tried several aspects of social circle game just for one night at a dance club to see what happened.

After about 2 hours I realized that I could have slept with at least 5 or 6 girls just that night. It was ridiculous. And then I ran into a gorgeous 5’10” eastern bloc model with strawberry blonde hair and amazing bone structure named Natalia.

I used various techniques from your system. The next thing I knew she was dragging me outside to hail a cab back to her loft. The sex was incredible, sex usually is but what made this time so perfect, so gratifying was I wasn’t at the mercy of who was interested in me.

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I Had A Girl Take Me Home That Weekend And Now Two Weeks Later Another!

After getting your online book I had a girl take me home that weekend and now two weeks later another. While I’m slowly learning all you teach I think your book gave me the confidence to push through my social barriers that had built up via being more physical sooner, more playful and showing more direct interest. 🙂

Thanks keep up the amazing work and fresh perspective on the game.

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Girls Were Having Three Way Kisses With Me And Wanted To Take Me Home

Hey Magic,

Life keeps getting more awesome! I wanted to let you know about the last time I went out.

I have several social circles that I know there along with seeing random friends there all the time. When I went last week I met one of Julies friends, Liz (very cute)who was very interested in me.

I was also talking to a girl (also very cute) from another group of friends and I had a feeling she was interested in me as well. Toward the end of the night I had both girls who were leaving with their friends trying to get me to go with them.

I basically had to decide which girl I wanted to take home that night. That was one of the best problems I have ever had! Liz, the girl I choose is very Bi and I think that could lead to more good things!

And I left things well with the other girl so that is still an option later. That night there was a lot of girls making out with girls and having three way kisses with me and 2 girls. It was a good night!

Talk to ya later

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Had Sex The Same Night With A Girl I Met At A Shopping Mall

Hi Magic,

Everything you teach about dating and seduction fucking works.I met this girl at a mall . We decided to hangout the next day. She texted me the next day to confirm if we were still on for the date. This has never happened to me before.

She was nervous and told me that she never goes out with random guys on a date. I told her that I was nervous as well and then took her hand and put it on my chest to feel my heartbeat (I got this from your video Magic).

She was so turned on that she started kissing me and man it was awesome. She gave me the best kisses I ever got. She was licking my neck, ears and was kissing me wildly. She even caught my manhood and she could not stop herself.

I took her to my place right after this. I told her to masturbate in the car on the way to my place (This was the first time that I ever used it,and it fucking works like magic) She totally went with it. Use your imagination after this !!!!!

Thanks again MAGIC!!!!
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Dating Married Woman Who Left Her Husband For Me!

Before I heard about you, I had literally spent years trying to make myself an attractive guy and had made very little progress.

I was focusing on all the wrong things. I was wasting my time in bars all over the city, because at that time, it felt like a job.

After I was introduced to your method , I just felt better about talking to women. I felt like there might be some progress that was happening or was about to happen.

Shortly after that, I met a woman. With the ideas you taught running through my head, I was able to be relaxed and fun enough that we ended up sleeping together right away.

Only a few weeks after she and I met, we admitted to one another that we were in love with each other.

I say “admitted” because we’d begun the relationship with the understanding that we would not get attached. She was married and I was more interested in being single.

That was over a year and a half ago. She and I are still together. She’s separated from her husband, whom I’ve met (he’s a pretty cool guy). Her mother knows about me and supports my girlfriend’s decisions. I’ll be meeting her very soon.

I hope I’ve made it clear that none of this would have happened without you. You taught me how to show my best self to the world.

You taught me how to recognize the opportunities that come my way. Most importantly, you taught me to believe that I deserve all of this.

Your work helped me develop a sense of self-worth that I didn’t even know I was missing. Thank you for that.
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“Magic Put Dale Carnegie To Shame”

Social Circle Dating is not a very good title for this product. Honestly, it’s a shit title. It should be called Life According to Magic.

When the video begins, Magic gives a brief overview of the topics he’s going to cover and it all sounds like exactly what you would expect: making friends, dating and sleeping with women in your social circle, dating and befriending co-workers, etc.

All of these things are explored in such depth and detail as to put Dale Carnegie to shame.

It soon becomes clear that Magic hasn’t produced a video about building and managing a social circle; he has put to record what, to my knowledge, is the most comprehensive overview of his knowledge, attitudes and perspectives.

By the end of the video, he’s no longer talking about making friends and getting laid; he’s telling you what it takes to be happy.

If you buy any one product from Magic, this should be it.
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Recently Met An Actress

I want to thank you. You’re DVDs changed my life, and it is still on going.
I live in Korea, and it still works here.

I’ve been practicing with your stuff, I had succeeded with the 10s. Not even 9s, not 9.5s but 10s. Friends are amused of what I’ve done and doing.

Recently I met this ’10’ girl, who is an actress. Of course she is beautiful, and I wanted to know her better as I met her again and again so we’ve been dating for about a month.

We ended up making out, and I didn’t go any further than that. After that I walked her home, and said goodbye. I was happy that we are going to be in a relationship.

We made a short phone call(She called me to ask if I was back home well.) than slept.

Will update you soon!

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