Hey Mate,
- Are you tired of going to bars and clubs only to meet uninteresting and unattractive women?
- Do you run into women on your way to work, in shopping malls and restaurant that you wish you could date but don’t know how to make it happen? You don’t make a move because you do not want to get rejected in front of other people. ---The formula I am about to reveal will completely eliminate the need of approaching women.
- Do you have female friends that you wish you could sleep with only if you knew how to make it happen without risking your friendship?
- Do you secretly desire to sleep with multiple women but don’t know where to begin?
- Do you want to date particular type of women like actors, models, dancers, teachers, police officers, musicians or plain old college girls but don’t know where to meet them and how to make them have sex with you.
If you answered yes to any of these, your prayers are being answered right now.
Who Am I & Why Should You Listen To Me?
If you do not already know me, I go by the name Magic Le`one.
I came from India 10 years ago.
I am the guy with dark skin and thick accent. The very kind that every Hollywood movie makes fun of. I am the guy people bet money can never get laid.
And I am the guy who proved every stereotype and every social rule false!
My peers who used to laugh at me now pay top dollars to get coaching and advice from me to pick up women.
I am invited to speak at top dating seminars all over the world to share my expertise on picking women.
To put simply I am the man who knows how to get women and above all I am the man who knows how to make it happen for you as well.
Had One Night Stand After Watching DVDs
Thank you so much for sharing your videos.
I actually ended up getting an One Night Stand right afterwatching your DVDs.
Seemed to work really well haha.
My handle is XXX if you want to read the report. Please let me know what you schedule is going to be like afteryou return from visiting your family.
I'd really like to schedule one of your training sessions.
Thanks again,
- Chris
If you are someone the way I used to be, someone that people believe is not capable of sleeping with attractive women, someone who desires women but has no clue how to get them… Then continue to read this VERY IMPORTANT message...I promise it will change your life!
First Things First
Let me get few things straight.
- This formula is not for men wanting to take advantage of women. I have no patience for such men. I do not want you to abuse women using my powerful formula.
- This formula is not for men who do not want to change their life.
- If you are looking for cheap lines and tactics to talk to women do not waste your time reading further.
- If you do not like the company of women and all you want is sex, please eject.
If you are still here then let me tell you what you will get out of this system:
- You will be able to use my sniper technique to draw women into your life without EVER approaching them. Next time you see a woman in a train, plane, bus, airport, coffee shop, school or at work, you will know exactly how to engage her without putting yourself on the line.
- You will discover a new way of meeting women outside of bars and clubs. This one piece of information alone will change your dating life forever. Never again will you spend evenings by yourself. By the time you will be done with this system you will have an actionable plan to spend your evenings in the company of women.
- You will be able to walk up to women in front of their boyfriends and get them into your life.
- This system will teach you how to date and sleep with multiple women at the same time. You will discover my secret---where I tell my dates about other women I am sleeping with and they still stay with me.
- You will learn my Fool Proof Formula to turn your female friends into lovers and have sex with any female friend you desire no matter how long you have known her for.
- You will discover the step-by-step blue print on how to date a hot model, actor, musician I will teach you how to get access to them.
- You will be able to date women of your choice…they will leave their boyfriends and long time lovers for you. I guarantee it!
If You Are Still Going To Bars
And Night Clubs To Pickup Women
Going to bars is the hardest way of meeting women.
You have no control over what kind of women will show up. I seek variety and choices with women. In the bar scene you are at the mercy of whomever shows up.
Unless you live in a big city you only have Fri and Sat to meet women in bars. Even in big cities you can run into trouble in the early part of the week.
Women usually have their guards up at bars because of the sleazy men running around. This makes it harder to pickup women at bars than at most places.
78% Couples Meet Outside Of Bars
You Are Missing
Massive-Opportunities With Women
Men who focus on bar scene miss the best and nicest women that are hanging out at other places.
Research shows that only 6% of couples meet in bar. Most couples meet at some form of social activity as shown in this chart:

Imagine the possibilities if you can come up with a plan to meet the remaining 78% women -The women who are not in bars, have their guards down and are open to meeting men.
Majority of men don't even know the places where they can go to meet such women.
They avoid romancing with women at these venues because they are unsure about the flirting and dating process.
They do not want to risk their reputation in case something goes wrong and so they choose to not make a move.
82% Women Engage In Casual Sex!
This Is Where Men Lose Big Opportunity!
The Best, Most Attractive, Down To Earth, Desirable And Easy To Get Women are usually the ones who are friends with your friends, are present at work, school, in subway, activities or other social places.
These Women are hoping to meet men at work, school, gymnasium, parties etc because it matches their romantic fantasy of meeting man with a chance encounter.
For women it is a great story to tell how they met their match randomly at work, at a party or walking down the street.
This makes it much easier to get them because they are already looking for a romantic encounter to happen.
All you need is the right knowledge and skillset to make these women to see you as the man who matches their fantasy and is "Right" for them.
Studies show that:
That means all you have to do is figure out a way to meet these women and position so sex can happen!
You Could Be Sleeping With 3 New Women Every Week
The Missing Link
When you are single and not meeting new women on regular basis going to bar seems like the best and only option.
This is where you are wrong!
The bar scene is too much effort for very little satisfaction.
Women that you meet in bars are usually less attractive and poor quality yet they act like some princess from a fairy tale. They can get away with this because too many insecure men are eager to buy them drinks at the bar and raise their value.
Most of these women just want to feel good by watching men pay attention to them.
High quality attractive women do not go to bars on regular basis. They are too shy or too confident to be at these venues on regular basis.
Instead of seeking validation from men they are looking for the real thing.
They are not guarded in fact if anything they are looking forward to meet new men and make meories.
Getting through them and seducing them is way simpler that seducing women at bars.
I guarantee that using the techniques from this program you will be sleeping at least 3 new women a week if not more.
And this study course is all about:
- Educating you about places and methods to meet high-quality-attractive women.
- Teaching you alternate ways, more effective ways of dating and seducing women.
This program is about transforming you and your lifestyle so you develop choices with women.
The Unfair Advantage
Once I understood the power of meeting outside of bars I spent most of my time perfecting the art to get women at other venues.
I was SHOCKED how easily I was starting to bring women to my bed and sheer numbers in which I was bringing them.
There were hardly any men to compete with. The ones that were there had no clue what to do.
These venues had many single women. It was easy to create dynamics and come accross as the man every woman wanted to be with. (Wait till you discover this information in the video. You will hate yourself for not using it until today.)
As a result women were making an effort to be with me that too on my terms!
I was not going out anymore!
There was no chasing and getting women to come out on a date
There was virtually no resistance from women because of this amazing SEX INITIATION TECHNIQUE that I had developed specifically for these women. This one technique alone will multiply the number of women you have sex with by at least 10.
I was beginning to have sex with a new woman every 3-4 days.
I kept refining it until I was seeping with a new woman almost every second day.
My record high is sleeping with 17 women in a month and having sex with 6 women at the same time using this formula.
It was at this point that I realized I needed to document the process so others like me can benefit.
6-S was born...
Made Love With A Girl Who Was My Long-Time Friend!
Thanks Magic!
I made love with a girl this weekend who was my friend from long time.
With my new look and aggressiveness i think i was able to come out the safe guy mode.
You changed my life!
-Sai Manohar
The Life Changing Secret '6-S' Formula
*READ THIS PART – VERY IMPORTANT* If There’s Only One Piece Of This Message You Read, Make it THIS… Yes… It’s THAT Important.
What most men do not know is that there is an actual science to plant sexual desire in a woman’s heart.
An actual formula. The “Holy Grail” if you like.
And there is a method to steer social dynamics in your favor so women start to feel attraction for you...You will not believe how easy it is once you understand the principals behind it.
It is so potently powerful, that EVEN a hopeless man as I was in the past can succeed attracting women and having sex on regular basis by using it.
ONLY the BEST Naturals in the world know about this SECRET (and most do not even use it to its full potential).
In fact I think it’s so powerful… that to an extent, I regret talking about here.
Slept With Two Different Girls Back To Back!
Hi Magic,
I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned from you so far.
I've read 'social mastery' watched the social circle DVD's and had a 30 minute phone call with you.
All of this has made a big difference.
I had my first 'back to back' two weeks ago where I slept with two different girls for the first time. One of them was 25, which is really the age category I find myself attracted to (I'm 32).
It takes less than 30 seconds for women to form an opinion of a man based on his first impression.
Women base this first impression using the '6 S Calculator'.
Basically there are 6 'S' that are needed to turn a woman on to a point of no return.
Women put men in category of potential boyfriend, lover, sex partner, future husband, just friends or nothing based on the number of 'S' he displays with his first impression.
These 6 'S' are:
- Superior

- Sexy Stereotype
- Sexually Mature
- Socially Approved
- Secretive & Shielding
- Selfpossessed
The attraction that women experience for a man and the decision to go with him completely depends on the display and application of these 'S' factors.
This sytem will teach you how to add and subtract the values depending on the kind of relationship you desire with a certain woman.
This will be the key to transtioning from friends to lovers and much more.
Involved in this formula are 6 KEY elements. (these elements are covered in “fine- comb” detail in the Social Domination Tool Kit... more on that shortly.)
Every single man you know who is successful with women uses these 6 elements and every single man who wants to succeed with women on regular basis needs this.
Each of these “elements” work at different levels. And they WORK IN A CERTAIN ORDER (this part is very crucial, you know the elements that make up this formula and you will STILL struggle; it’s getting them in COMPLETE order that will help you to become the guy every woman wants to be with).

When you find out about these special and select elements, SOME will be complete forehead-slappers…
You know the ones where you find yourself yelling “Why the heck didn’t I think of that!!?”
Because they are so obvious yet you will have never thought of them.
Some of them are A LOT more potent but not so obvious and this is the stuff you will need to pay serious attention to.
This is the information that only 1 in 1000 men use and even fewer are aware of its existence.
But you HAVE TO INCORPORATE them into your personality and lifestyle to be effective women.
Once you adapt to this system sky will be the limit.
You will be able to turn women on even if you do not engage them in direct conversation.
You will be able to turn your long time female friends into sex partners.
And you will be able to date women on yout terms, I guarantee it!
This system is about dominating every environment you step into and get women over every alpha, popular, comedic and sexy man at the venue.
Had Sex The Same Night With A Girl I Met At Shopping Mall

Hi Magic,
I have to tell you my story man. Everything you teach about dating and seduction fucking works.
I met this girl at a mall and she started talking to me asking if I was a student and then asked a lot of details about me. She was impressed with my style and friendly nature that she herself gave me her number and asked me if |I wanted to meet for drinks.
I texted her that night and we decided to hangout the next day. She texted me the next day to confirm if we were still on for the date. This has never happened to me before, like a girl confirming that if we were still meeting for the night.
I started kinoing her the moment we met at the venue. She was nervous and told me that she never goes out with random guys on a date. I told her that I was nervous as well and then took her hand and put it on my chest to feel my heartbeat (I got this from your video Magic) and assured her that we are on the same page.
As the date went on I escalated my kino on her. I told her that I liked the smell of her hair. I did not use any routines. I just went with the flow and did not have a problem anywhere. She started touching me as well and she was so into me that at one point she told me that we should kiss. I gave her a naughty look (to express "Not so fast") and told her I was gonna kiss her anyway at the end of the night.
She was so turned on that she started kissing me and man it was awesome. She gave me the best kisses I ever got. She was licking my neck, ears and was kissing me wildly. She even caught my manhood and she could not stop herself.
I took her to my place right after this. I told her to masturbate in the car on the way to my place (This was the first time that I ever used it,and it fucking works like magic) She totally went with it. Use your imagination after this !!!!!
I have gained a lot of confidence after studying very little of your material and watching your videos. I feel like I can make anything happen and date anyone I want, if I read all of your material.
You have given me the opportunity to be the man I always wanted to be and for that I respect you brother. To everyone else who is reading this, please please please follow and listen to the great "MAGIC LE'ONE". He is the best way and personally, I think the only way to change your dating life forever.
Thanks again MAGIC!!!!
Social Domination Tool Kit will enable you to:
- Jumpstart your dating life. No longer will you be spending evening by yourself. This course will help you build a lifestyle to meet new women every evening without going to bars or clubs.
- You'll meet the kind of women you always wanted to be with but did not have access until now. Doctors, actors, models, singers or college girls, career women no one will be out of reach.
- This program will transform you into a man who gets noticed and attention from attractive women at every venue.
- 6-S formula will help you build a unique social circle so you can sleep with multiple women.
- No more staying just friends! You will be able turn all your female friends into lovers. These women will make an effort to sleep with you no matter how long they have been friends for.
- You will know exactly how to lead high status women in relationship to be with you.
- Have threesomes orgies and groupies with women of your choice...This is no joke! This course will show you how to present sex in a positive frame so women want to participate. Not only will they participate they will bring along their friends and go out to pick up women with you. You just watch!
- You will discover the secret technique I use to get noticed by good looking women without saying a word to them. I have used this technique to sleep with my professors, therapist, co workers and class mates.
- My personal routine to initiate sex will guarantee that women will never hold sex on you. You will be in control to have sex when and where you want - I personally guarantee it!
- You will learn the secret technique on how to make women want to sleep with you knowing the fact that you are sleeping with other women.
- How to have your female friends set up dates for you And much, much more
In short this program is all you need to revive your dating and love life. If you have been living the single life for too long, if you have gotten used to being by your self, if you really want to change your life, if you really want to become social and live a life where women actively participate you cannot pass this formula.
I used to be just like that. My life was a sad story with no women and only a handful of friends. I spent most my evenings watching tv and coocking meals for me. This formula is exactly what turned my life around and I guarantee it will do the same for you or I will return every penny you pay me!
I call this system:
Social Man's Dating Blueprint

9 DVD discs reveal the entire Social Circle Dating as follows:
Disc 1

Disc one begins by giving you an overview of the entire dating model in a linear fashion. [00.00] |

Elements needed to become charismatic and attractive man. Women will fall in love with you the minute they see these in you.[04.37] |

How to befriend and win hearts of large groups. This is the key to establishing strong and dominant presence.[04.44] |

What it means to be cool and the importance of diplomacy to control your social circle. [17.49] |

You will discover various fashion styles and the impact they make on women. Your fashion dictates the kind of people drawn into your social circle. [33.00] |

Right strategy to flirt and getting sexual with attractive women. This is the exact information needed to get sexual with 'A' class women within minutes of meeting them.[45.08] |
Disc 2

How to benefit by acting like a Big Brother and why you should do it at all times.[00.26] |

Why you should never make any judgmental statements or take sides [04.49] |

Social Circle Game DVD set will transform you into an outgoing and social person [16.25] |

The art of conversation with women and how it will increase attraction [21.35] |

Steps to gain status and attract women [32.01] |

The art of patience to pickup women in social settings[35.48] |

Steps to building a rock star lifestyle so you can sleep with new women on regular basis. You will learn the importance of incorporating lessons from this course into your everyday life to pickup women. [37.44] |

The art of socializing that enables you to build a vast friend circle of women. This will be the circle you would pick women from to sleep with them on regular basis. [38.12] |
Disc 3

Importance of participating in regular activities and using them to pickup women for sex [00.00] |

How to make spend more time outside of home and make it enjoyable. [11.08] |

Different venues to meet women while staying away from places that are frequented by pickup artists. [14.15] |

Why you should always Promote Sex in conversation and to your friends. This one change will help you sleep with lot of women. You will find out why and how to do it so you get results.[17.27] |

Step by step direction to make friends in every environment [33.18] |

How to meet women at workplace, bring them to your Social Circle and sleep with them [34.53] |
Disc 4

How to meet women at workplace, bring them to your Social Circle and sleep with them [00.00] |

Benefits of establishing yourself as a caring guy to pickup women [01.56] |

How to invite colleagues from work into your social circle [04.33] |

Why you should always be Be On Top [06.36] |

BENEFIT of operating with The Mindset To Win Others. This is in total contrast to anything you have ever heard and will power boost your game[08.50] |

How to Flirt With Every Woman and how to do it safe [13.39] |

Eliminate your Fear Of Sexual Harassment at work. Using the techniques from this DVD you will be able to seduce everyone in your office including your boss [20.02] |

BREAKTHROUGH Moment! You get to sleep with more women when you present yourself as the underdog. [23.03] |

How to approach women at work If You Are The Boss.[30.07] |

How to Meet And Seduce Women At School And College! [40.51] |
Disc 5

Importance of Cussing in front of women and how it helps to seduce women [00.00] |

International Students who just arrived in the country are the easiest to meet and sleep with. They are new and are begging for hook ups. Discover how meet and get sexual with them in very little time. [06.20] |

Steps to make friends and seduce women by joiningpPrivate Classes [21.38] |

Become friends with people you meet in bars, bring them in to your circle and have sex with women in the group.[32.31] |

Steps to pickup waitress’ from restaurants and sales clerks from Shopping Malls [36.49] |

Learn to draw the right attention to yourself when you go out. Note: This does not involve any shallow pickup technique[44.07] |

Stand out at parties and draw attention to yourself. Women will approach you once you master the techniques from this system. [48.08] |
Disc 6
Why is it important to always Have A Good Time [00.00] |

Potent ways to establish 1 on 1 Relationship with women. This is needed to build sexual comfort[13.26] |

Learn to Strengthen Your Social Circle [16.21] |

Build Strong Connections that get you attention and make women want to be with you [28.05] |

Why you have to spend 1 on 1 Time with members of your Social Circle and what to do when you hang out with them [28.57] |

Be Fun [29.23] |

Why is it good to Discuss Relationship with women contrary to every pickup advice out there [32.55] |

How to interact with women on a level that makes them experience a "Special and Sexual" connection with you. [34.11] |

How to Flirt And Touch Women to make them participate in their own seduction. [35.28] |

Increase the number of women who want to sleep with you by telling them this one thing about you[38.28] |

Don't Be Judgmental [42.34] |

Why you should always Help Your Friends and how to benefit from it in your Social Circle [45.09] |
Disc 7
The value of friendship and it’s important in life [00.00] |

How to Avoid Being Taken Advantage Of by friends and women in your social circle [03.19] |

Being Dependable person in your social circle to date more women[06.56] |

How to Avoid Falling In Trap set up by friends and women who are part of your social circle [10.44] |

Good Manners in the context of Social Circle that make women to sleep with you[15.40] |

Healthy Lifestyle to seduce multiple women [28.43] |

Things you need to do to make women want to hang out with you, drop their guards and have sex with you. [31.13] |

How To Benefit From Female Friends and ask them to set up dates with their female friends [40.29] |

Rules For Dating Friend Of A Friend [42.36] |

Why you have to maintain ABSOLUTE SECRECY about who you sleep with [47.05] |
Disc 8
Step By Step Method To Initiate Sex with women in your social circle [00.00] |

Routine To Initiate Sex with women in your social circle or a female friend - This is how you turn female friends into lovers[00.25] |

Realisitic timeline for initiating sex[ [17.11] |

Why you should develop impeccable Memory [22.15] |

Why you should Talk And Act Normal [25.25] |

Rule: Friendship More Valuable Than Sex [34.14] |

Rule#2 Win People Not Compete [47.34] |

Additional Rules For Smooth Social Circle so you can sleep non-stop with women[50.35] |

No Cheating – What does it mean in the context of Social Circle and dating multiple women[50.50] |

Never lie about anything or your Social Circle will fall apart in no time [52.19] |
Disc 9
Maintain Secrecy so you can sleep with multiple women – this is different than cheating [00.00] |

Why you should always Accept Responsibility for seducing a woman even if she initiates it[01.31] |

Why you should Protect the Identity Of A Woman Who Has A Boyfriend and how to do it right [04.03] |

Right Vs. Wrong way to apologize when things go sour – It will happen sooner or later [09.00] |

Never Sleep With Your Buddy's Woman [17.18] |

Is it ok to Date Friend's Sister. If so how to make it happen [21.22] |

Is it ok to Sleep With Friend's Fuck Buddy [26.59] |

Just Friends [29.08] |

Love Can Happen With Anyone [30.05] |

Players Are Attracted To Feminity. Understanding of this one concept will revolutionize your dating life. [31.36] |

Why you should Always Champion For Underdogs [40.36] |

How to Handle ANY Objections that come in your social circle [41.19] |

Why and How to Mind Your Own Business [47.27] |

Forming Lifestyle And Belief System that delivers women to your bed on autopilot[48.48] |
Bonus 1 E-Book: How To Have Threesome With Two Women
Introduction [3] |

Attracting Women When You Are Single [3] |

Practice, Practice, Practice [4] |

Don't Make Excuses [4] |

Take the Next Step [5] |

When and How to Bring up the Topic with Your Girlfriend/partner or Date [5] |

Is she the jealous type? [5] |

Establish trust in the relationship.[6] |

What is she thinking? [7] |

Testing the Waters [9] |

Be prepared to assert what you will and will not do. [9] |

Where to Find Women [11] |

Friend Circle [12] |

Date two different women and bring them together. [12] |

Strip Club [13] |

Swing Parties [14] |

Bonus 2 How To Date Strippers DVD
In this video interview, dating Coach Andrew discusses his techniques to pull strippers home from topless and full nude bars.
Andrew is famous for his skill set to date and have same night lays with some of the hottest strippers in Los Angeles and other major cities.
This interview will give you an insight on how Andrew’s attract strippers and pull them home the same night. You will then be able to replicate his methodology and pickup strippers on your next visit to your favorite strip club.
Bonus 3 Dating Women At Work DVD
This is an hour-long DVD lesson where pua Magic will teach you strategies to date women from your workplace and classroom.
After watching this DVD you will have a clear idea on how to differentiate yourself from other men in work and classroom setting.
You will then be able to get the attention of women all to yourself and be able to generate uncontrollable attraction.
In this video Magic also discusses various steps to ask woman on a date without ever getting rejected.
Once you are done watching this video, you will be able to outcompete your peers and date that particular woman you have been eyeing from work or school |
Recently Met An Actress
 I want to thank you. You're DVDs changed my life, and it is still on going.
I live in Korea, and it still works here.
I've been practicing with your stuff, I had succeeded with the 10s. Not even 9s, not 9.5s but 10s. Friends are amused of what I've done and doing.
Recently I met this '10' girl, who is an actress. Of course she is beautiful, and I wanted to know her better as I met her again and again so we've been dating for about a month.
We ended up making out, and I didn't go any further than that. After that I walked her home, and said goodbye.
I was happy that we are going to be in a relationship.
We made a short phone call(She called me to ask if I was back home well.) than slept.
Will update you soon!
Little Changes Make A Big Difference
As you have seen already that there is ton of information that you will discover with this this product and it will truly jump-start your dating life.
The best part is that this training course is not about teaching you lines, routines or basics. This course is not about transforming you into someone you are not.
This course is about showing you little things you can do living your everyday life and how these little things will make a difference.
This course will arm you with tools and techniques that you can subtly inject in your everyday conversation with people you meet and draw new attractive women into your life every single day.
The woman you like at the office, the female friend you want to sleep with, the woman on the train, the clerk at the grocery center you will be able to sleep with them all without ever risking rejection!
Magic’s Seal Of Approval
If there is one product you buy on this website let it be Social Man’s Dating. This is my favorite system because this is 90% of my game.
I am a social person and I fall in love with every second woman I meet. Often I meet these women under circumstances where flirting or seducing with them will be inappropriate.
Some these women are accompanied by their dad’s, boyfriends and husbands. Some have been my co-workers, classmates and activity partners.
I feel it is not appropriate to put them on the spot and ask them out in front of 20 other people.
The funny thing is that most women have a secret life and a secret fantasy.
Most women will participate in sexual and romantic affair with you if they are assured that it will not hurt their reputation.
And this system is designed to make women feel safe and secure so they can willingly partner to go on a sexual fantasy trip with you.
This system will allow you to see a side in women you thought never existed and once you see it you’ll wish you knew about it sooner.
"Magic Put Dale Carnegie To Shame"
Social Circle Dating is not a very good title for this product. Honestly, it's a shit title. It should be called Life According to Magic.
When the video begins, Magic gives a brief overview of the topics he's going to cover and it all sounds like exactly what you would expect: making friends, dating and sleeping with women in your social circle, dating and befriending co-workers, etc.
All of these things are explored in such depth and detail as to put Dale Carnegie to shame.
It soon becomes clear that Magic hasn't produced a video about building and managing a social circle; he has put to record what, to my knowledge, is the most comprehensive overview of his knowledge, attitudes and perspectives.
By the end of the video, he's no longer talking about making friends and getting laid; he's telling you what it takes to be happy.
If you buy any one product from Magic, this should be it.
Here’s How To Order
These products work great. That’s why I’m offering a NO RISK 100% money-back guarantee for a FULL 60 DAYS.
That’s a whole 60-days to sit back, watch, read, and apply these powerful tactics into your interactions with women.
After you’ve watched the DVDs and had your 30-minute coaching call and don't see any results in your life… or you didn’t find any useful information in it for your situation, simply reply to the order confirmation you’ll receive, send back any DVDs in sellable condition, and ask for a refund.
I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using these materials to DRAMATICALLY increase their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too.
So let’s not waste anymore of your time.
Here's another summary of what you'll be getting...

DVD 1. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 2. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 3. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 4. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 5. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 6. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 7. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 8. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
DVD 9. Social Circle Dating |
Retail Value: |
$49.95 |
Bonus 1 E-Book: How To Have Threesome With Two Women |
Retail Value: |
$39.95 |
Bonus 2 Dating Women From Work Place And School DVD |
Retail Value: |
$69.95 |
Bonus 3 How To Date Strippers DVD |
Retail Value: |
$39.95 |
The Total Package!

What We Normally Sell For: $599.30 |
The total price of the Social Mastery home study course is worth at least total of $599.30 retail. But because of these hard economic times I'll be offering the entire home study course for only $297. Sale Price: $197.00.- Special limited time offer! - (Sale Ends Midnight