Many of you who have learnt from me during workshop with Magic complain that I do not write. I will be the first one to admit that I hate writing. I love being in field. I love to meet women and I love teaching men how to become good with women. But I like to do it in the real world and not by sitting behind computer screen.My reason for deciding to start writing is because I would like to offer you a different perspective from Magic on how to become good with women.It is valuable to read what Magic has to say. I mean there is a reason he is the best dating coach for men. No other coach or company in the world can match his client success. However you really never get to hear the perspective of someone that has gone through the process of learning from Magic.I grew up in the Midwest. I have never had any ability with women. I often had issues connecting and forming relationships. My social skills were as bad as it gets. I always wondered why I couldn’t get the girls I want? Before learning this stuff I felt lonely, frustrated and hopeless.I took workshops with other coaches but none gave me what I was looking for. Magic was able to see my issues in no time. He has the ability to diagnose your mistakes simply by talking over the phone.With Magic’s help and guidance I was able to overcome my hurdles and become good with women. However, it did not happen without making mistakes on my end. I do not want to turn this into a testimony. There are enough of those out there. I just want you to know w a little background so everything I say will make sense.What I’m going to share with you is a window into my learning process. I want to show you my learning curve so that you can follow the road map, as it were. I will do this by sharing 3 huge mistakes I made and how my interactions with women changed when I fixed these mistakes.Mistake One

One of the largest mistakes I made is a very common one. You may have even heard others talk about it. However I really don’t think I can make this point strong enough. DO NOT sit at home studying pickup books and videos night and day.I used to read and study everything I could get my hands on. This caused for a lot of conflict and as Magic can attest, it made me extremely gamie. I came off fake and women felt like they couldn’t trust me. The reason for this is because I was trying to mix all kinds of different schools of thought and none of it was congruent with me.When I learnt from Magic, I not only learned techniques but also discovered principles of attraction. This allowed me to develop my own very attractive personality and avoid being someone else.This one change gave me confidant and sexy persona. Applying the rules of attraction to my personality turned me into a charismatic man. From thereon women displayed continuous signs of wanting to meet me. Approaching and seduction became a piece of cake.

If you are a beginner I recommend you to get Social Mastery Home Study Course and take your game light years a head. Social Mastery Home Study Course and T.E.A.S.E model has all the basic information you need to succeed with women.Click Here To Read Part 2