
I am sure you’ve heard about the controversy surrounding RSD coach Julien Blanc. He’s the coach who posted that misogynist video that got him into serious trouble. The video that got him deported from Australia and got his visa denied in the UK.

I won’t go into the reasons why we’ve always disagreed with RSD’s attitude towards women. In fact, as a policy, we do not teach any client who has taken previous training from RSD. So this incident, in our opinion, was long overdue.

Right after this RSD incident, BBC radio contacted us. They wanted our opinion on this controversy, but also wanted to know the reasons why any man would need to learn the tools necessary to meeting women–especially if the methodology has a reputation of being abusive towards women.

In order to answer this question, we needed to go back in time to discover how Magic and I started out on this journey.

Magic and I never thought we would become dating coaches. We never even entertained the thought that certain tools are necessary to be successful with women.

But when our relationships started to fail, we realized that we would potentially spend our lives feeling lonely. We were afraid that we would settle for relationships that were less than satisfactory. It was then that we decided to do something about it.

We both wanted to become good with women because we love women. But we wanted MORE than just one night stands, we wanted love and long-lasting relationships. 

We wanted that special connection with women that makes you want to sail through your day as quickly as possible. We wanted to share our lives and create priceless moments with that one special lady.

So, we started the project of a lifetime.

Our friends started noticing the number of beautiful, high-quality girls we were dating. We mastered the art of flirting and our friends envied the connection we had with the women we attracted.

It wasn’t long before our friends started asking for our help… that’s when we started coaching.

We started coaching because WE KNEW first-hand the emptiness and sadness men experience when they do not have satisfying relationships.

We started coaching because we wanted every man to have what we had; the confidence and joy that comes with being in a successful relationship with the woman of your choice.

There is nothing more joyful than being with a woman you love. A woman who wants you just as much as you want her.

My Shocking Discovery:

Dating women, especially the one you want, is super easy! Approaching women you do not know and having one night stands is very simple! But only if you know what to do!

Most men, including myself, already have everything we need to date “up.” The problem is we just don’t know how to use this power.

We all have the uniqueness that is needed to attract woman but there is certainly a mindset that blocks us from reaching our full potential.

In addition, there is tremendous confusion because the dating scene is constantly evolving.

In our workshops, we help you identify the angle that is unique to you. We teach you how to use your strengths in everyday life. We teach you how to steer your interactions in order to get desired outcome. In no time you’ll be living out your ideal love life.

There is a reason why out clients are almost 4x more successful than the clients of any other coaching service on the planet! The reason is that we help you DEVELOP INTERACTION AND PERSONALITY that is NATURAL to you. This way, you feel comfortable and good about yourself while working in the dating scene.

Attraction Method

Or focus at Attractions Methods is honesty – both with the women we meet and with ourselves. The idea is to feel good about dating while having the ability to approach women confidently. Whether it’s a one-night-stand, a fling, or a relationship, the basic component is always honesty.

If you are looking for a coach just to help you get laid, save yourself THOUSANDS by hiring an escort. But if you want to discover the road blocks that are keeping you from being a successful suitor, you’re certainly in the right place.

Learn to say the right things – leave her with no choice but to date you – even if she has rejected you in the past. 

If you want to learn to be GOOD with women then let us teach you their psychology. Let us show you how to master an interaction that is sure to have women falling in love with you.

This is what I do – I help you become the man who dates women anytime, anywhere.

Send me an email if you have questions or want to learn more:

Or, sign up for an upcoming workshop here: Bootcamp Training

Best Wishes!

-Andrew Atkin

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