Back in India I dated a woman who was the prom queen of her high school.
This is when I had no game and no clue as to what I was doing. Yet I was able to date her – for a very long time.
You must have read about this woman on the Social Mastery Page. This woman was my fiancé who ended up cheating on me and this event prompted my move to the United States.
I met another woman after coming to the US and tried very hard to win her over.
I bought her expensive gifts and took her on expensive vacations but no success.
My dating life went down the drain.
I was single for a very long time.
I got convinced that I was a born loser and that no matter what I do I will never succeed with women.
What Got Me Success And Failures In My Previous Relationships!
In the past, I was able to attract and date the high school prom queen because at the time I BELIEVED SHE WAS WITHIN MY LEAGUE…
After she dumped me and cheated on me I lost my confidence.
I started over compensating.
I started buying expensive gifts and taking women on expensive dates to make attractive women like me.
It did not work.
The more I tried the more I failed and the more I got convinced that I couldn’t succeed with attractive women.
Most men berate themselves continuously.
This makes them feel insecure and as a consequence they stumble around high quality women.
Story Of Erik
Last year I got a call from a guy named Erick. He wanted to learn from me.
During our conversation he mentioned that his dating life is struggling because of his physical handicap.
He also mentioned that he cannot stand for longer than 10 minutes at a time or he starts to lose balance and this is unattractive to women.
I disagreed and explained that it is not the handicap but his attitude that is preventing him from dating quality women.
He decided not to do the workshop at the time and ended up going to another company for coaching.
6 months later he signed up for ourT.E.A.S.E. workshop.
During the workshop I got to know Erick better.
I noticed his friends would tease him and make fun of his handicap.
Erick had accepted this frame and went along with the jokes.
It was very clear to me now that Erick had low self-esteem and had accepted the frame of being lesser than other men.
No wonder he felt insecure around women and displayed lack of confidence, which resulted in women losing interest in him.
Can Women Really Notice Insecurity In Men? Can’t We Fake Confidence?
Women do not have special powers to detect insecurity in you.
Your mannerism, behavior and interaction reveal your level of confidence.
Most men approach women and focus on spending time with them. Some focus on kino and sexual talk but very few men practice comfort around women.
When men feel insecure they hesitate to make extended eye contact. They delay touching and they get impatient around women. This clues women that you are feeling uneasy and they loose interest in you.
If you want to succeed with women…
You have to learn to feel secure around them.
You have to practice making extended eye contact and talk to women as if they are little girls.
This Is Not Hard At All…
Read Social Mastery Home Study Course I have an extended list of behavior and mannerisms that make women experience attraction for men.
Then watch the T.E.A.S.E. videos to see the execution of these behaviors.
This is precisely why I spend large amount of time time in my workshop helping men master the mannerisms that make them appear sexy to women.
Almost every client who has taken a workshop with me will tell you how women start interacting differently within MINUTES of training.
Almost every client will tell you how women approach me on regular basis. I still can’t remember a single day or workshop where some woman did not approach me.
Women approach me because they see a superior, confident and dominating man who is also real and down to earth.
This is what makes them want to approach and flirt with me.
How do women notice this in me without talking to me?
My mannerisms give it up.
And no I do not have aggressive body language. If anything I am a man who slouches all the time.
I get noticed because I appear relax. I make extended eye contacts and check women out. I look at them and exchange smiles. This makes me come across as a man who is used to beautiful women.
Now women want me.
Start implementing lessons fromT.E.A.S.E. and it will all begin to make sense.
How Erick Overcame Obstacles And Succeeded With Women
Erick signed up for our live pick up artist workshop.
During the workshop my main goal was to help Erick realize that he was no less than other men. Most of my lessons for him revolved around this theme.
At one point Erick lost his balance and fell down. Everybody rushed to pick him up. I asked everyone to stand back and let Erick get up on his own.
One of my coaches was a little upset with this call.
He mentioned that it was not the right call and that we should have helped Erick.
I looked at him and said, “Sure you should help him if you think he is lesser than you and cannot take care of himself. I think Erick is just as capable as you and I.“
I wanted Erick and everyone else to realize that Erick is capable of taking care of himself.
Most men have some kind of handicap that limits them, Erick’s Struggle Was No Different.
Most men’s handicap stems from reason not visible to the naked eye. Erick had the benefit that his handicap was quite visible.
Erick got up without help.
This was the first time he felt empowered and began to realize that he was not less than any other man.
He began to realize that he is struggling but so are other men.
This shift brought a profound change in him.
He started to feel deserved and as a consequence his flirting style, behavior and mannerisms around women changed.
He became more relaxed, assuring, confident and dominating.
It is 9 months since our training and I got a call from Erick the other day mentioning that he is dating two different very attractive women.
One of them left her husband to be with Erick.
Both women are aware of his relation with the other woman.
Both women want to bring their beautiful female friends into relationship to have threesomes with Erick.
All of this because Eric shifted his attitude.
Here is the recording of my call with him so you can hear about his journey.
Do You Have Your Own Handicap?
Most men who come to my training have one thing in common: They feel they do not have what it takes to date attractive women.
Some men never approach attractive women because they feel they are not good looking.
Some men resist the temptation because they feel they do not know what to say.
The list goes on and on.
You Will Never Succeed And Date Attractive Women Unless You Start Believing That You Are Worthy And Desirable To Hot Women.
We all have our handicap that freezes us around beautiful woman.
If you want to succeed with high quality women figure out a way to defeat your attitude.
Start by identifying your handicap.
Pull out a piece of paper and write down all the reason why a woman will reject you. Don’t stop keep writing until you run out of reasons.
Ask yourself how to eliminate or overcome the obstacle that makes you feel unworthy of a quality woman.
You’ll discover that some of these reasons were simply a myth.
Next, make a list of reasons why a woman would be happier with you over other men.
This should be a good start for you. With this exercise you will start to discover that you have what it takes to date high quality women.
I highly recommend you do the writing exercises in the first third of the Social Mastery Book. These exercises are designed to help you feel confident around women.
Or get on fast track and come to a workshop. Let us help you identify and eliminate the factors that are preventing your success with women.
Once you start feeling confident and brush up your seduction skills it is only a matter of time before you end up with the kind of woman you truly desire.
Wish You All The Best!