reader, Congratulations on your decision to get serious about your
sex and dating life!

All your dating problems end here…I promise!
You see most men struggle with women not because they are not fit to get women but because they have been confused by society.
Growing up we hear various mixed messages about the right way to flirt with women. This stream of mixed messages creates confusion and we paralyze around women because we do not want to risk offending the person we feel attraction for.
I was in the same place and this made me lose many beautiful women that I would have loved to be with. It caused me lot of pain and heartache.
It took me 7-8 years of unlearning and learning through trial and error. Ultimately I found the fastest and the most effective way to seduce any woman. This knowledge has brought tremendous success to me and my clients.
What I discovered in my journey was that there were lot of bad behaviors I had developed over the years around women. There was lot of bad programming in me that was slowing me down with women and ultimately killing any attraction towards me in women.
Once I fixed this all changed.
I created these courses to clear all the confusion for you. My course are not about lines and routines. These course teach you effective flirting habits and techniques that you apply as soon as you are done with the course and experience immediate positive results.
Once you cultivate behavior that get you positive attention you will begin to enjoy the process and feel motivated to go out and meet more and more women.
Remember this day, it is the beginning of your successful experiences with women and I am here in any capacity you need me.
With that being said, scroll down to the information system your purchased and start going though it.
If you have questions or need assistance, fill the form in the sidebar and we will promptly get back to you.
Wishing you all the happiness and success!
Training Courses
Note: Attraction Bible Old Is My Favorite Version. I recommend watching that if you can put up with my silly look and accent. Both courses are exactly the same. The flow and interaction with clients make it better in my opinion. It gives you a better big picture.
I look and sound better in the new version. It is designed to give you the lessons in quick bites so you can learn and execute faster. Both have their advantages.
Maybe watch the olde version first then watch clips in the new version for quick reminder and execution.