Let’s look at a case study of Jim who is infatuated with an undeniably beautiful girl. Jim follows her around and has done pretty much anything he can for her. He’s told her “Your special” and “I’ll always be there for you.” Sure, she became good friends with him, but he was essentially a shoulder to cry on; a reliable, steady, dependable person who she would NEVER think of dating. Aka, Jim was friend-zoned. Poor Jim.

Jim lost his confidence and became convinced that he would never be good enough for women. 

That’s when I stepped in. I told Jim he needed to learn a new way to interact; he needed a revival.

shutterstock_121715050Jim’s first email to me said this…

I do not understand why women do not want to date me. I’m young, attractive, healthy and smart. The very same women who reject me end up with men half as intelligent and far less attractive. What am I doing wrong? Why don’t women desire me like they desire others?

This last girl really crushed me. I moved mountains for her and she ended up sleeping with one of my friend who is not even her type…

I studied XXXXX but things just don’t seem to work for me. I get bad reactions. I know I am doing something wrong but don’t know what. This is very painful Magic. All the good women are slipping away from me – I have been single for a long time. Can you help?

Flirting is a two-way street that requires participation from both parties. If you forget this, you’re not flirting… you’re wasting your time.

The only sure way to succeed with women is to make her want you as much as you want her. This has to be done quickly and effectively.

Flirting has very little to do with what you say and everything to do with how you make her feel.

You don’t need a great story to catch a woman’s attention. A great story will get you nothing more than a great friendship.

Every woman wants a great guy. But this is where things become interesting…

What women think is attractive, and what they really go after, are two different things. Example: Most mom’s want their sons to be quality, stand-up men. Men who are “husband material.” This is great but women aren’t usually turned on by “husband material” they get excited by the complete opposite. Mom’s, at some point or another, were turned on by they type of men they don’t want their sons to become.

When you talk to women, you must present yourself as a man every mom wished her husband was – you’re the lover not the husband. 

This is why you start with normal day-to-day conversation and inject sexuality by using the T.E.A.S.E. method. This is not a method I created, its an age-old trick men have been using for centuries.

shutterstock_99690449Women want to be seduced. They want a man to drag them to bed. You have to let women know that underneath your gentleman-like manner is a MAN who will take control in the bedroom.

I have yet to meet a woman who doesn’t love getting roughed in bed. My understanding of their deepest DESIRES is what makes them want be with me!

Whether you want a quickie or a long term commitment, this is the key to leading that beuatiful woman into your life and into your bedroom.

So what about Jim? Once I rehabilitated Jim his interactions with women completely changed.

Jim doesn’t need to be fake anymore. He is attracting women by being himself. All he needed was the FORMULA, PSYCHOLOGY and the right MANNERISMS.

Jim emailed me this just a few weeks after our training session:

I’m getting a lot more attention from women than I ever had before. It makes me feel confident.

The exercises that helped me become more energized and playful have helped me become more sexy and that’s a game lesson I value most. Your dedication to my success has blown me away.

Right after your workshop I got my first SNL.

There are many more tips that will help you become more natural with women. Start experiencing ultimate success in your dating life.

Do this man…

If you have not already done so, watch the video at the top of this page.

Then, download Social Mastery Home Study course AKA the Attraction Bible.

This course will give you PSYCHOLOGY power and TOOLS that work.

You will instantly feel CONFIDENT and IN-CONTROL. You will access a proven road-map that will get you exactly where you want to be with women.

Don’t waste time! Start with a system that has gotten real, verifiable results. Click this link to get Social Mastery Home Study Course AKA Attraction Bible: https://www.attractionmethods.com/attraction-bible/

Or, get on fast track to success by joining me at one of my workshop – I’ll change your life forever.

You may be a very successful man (most of my clients are). You may put on a happy face so no one sees that your suffering… it’s okay, I know you’re in pain because I have been there too.

This is why I am STRESSING that you do NOT wait a single minute to change this aspect of your life.

I cannot make you millions of dollars. I cannot make you the president of this country. I cannot bring you your childhood dreams but I can transform you into a man who gets beautiful women.

I can help you create a lifestyle where you will intimately know more women than most men fantasize about.

I make a living by driving men like you out of their relationships ruts.

Read the success stories & sign up for a consultation here: http://www.threedaydating.com

Talk to you soon!

Magic Leone

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