The Biggest Myths Of Pickup – Part 1

I recently spoke at a Dating Conference in New York City. After the conference a lot of students came to me for meet and greet, and I realized that there are lot guys who are victims of "Pick Up Myths". I've compiled the absolutely inconsistent, and damaging and most importantly TIME WASTING myths that most pickup artists try to convince you are [...]

Direct Game vs. Indirect Game

Direct Opener: Direct approach is the process where you walk up to a woman and instantly reveal romantic interest. Direct opener is an opening line or a statement that reveals direct interest in the target or a set. An example of direct opener would be; “Hey just saw you and had to get to know [...]

Bad Attraction Habits

I bet we all know students of pick up who are still struggling to succeed with women. I personally know few guys who have spent over $20,000 in workshops and products but have yet to see any significant progress. Pick up tricks usually works only for men who are socially well calibrated and need a [...]

Love Systems

Love SystemsLove Systems Love Systems is one of the hardest to comment on. I have worked for Love Systems in the past so obviously, I have my biases. I used to work in office managing website for Love systems. I never coached for Love Systems but I do have a close association with them. I have [...]

Mystery Method

Mystery Method Mystery (VH1’s The Pickup Artist) On Negs I recently recorded a video which generated lot of controversy. In this video I suggested steering away from Negs as taught by Mystery Method. Here it is: People have taken this video way out of the context. I have been getting emails on a regular basis [...]
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