Getting Lays Since Workshop

I am getting lays, but it is kind of sporadic and I’m not devoting 24/7 to going out to get laid. I am having fun flirting, but I’m kind of being selective on who I want to push it all the way with. Recently some of the girls I’ve built the most attraction with have just gotten divorced and they are emotional basket cases. But clearly, I’m much more skilled than before and I’m continuing to go into uncharted territory.

As far as getting sexual, it is pretty amazing how quickly you can build trust with women. I met a girl on Halloween in costume and she agreed to come to my house for dinner in a week. We made out on the couch and I got her tits out but then her phone beeps and she had to meet up with her friends to which I was invited.

I met her at the venue, (tried to drive her or ride with her and her car was full from moving). My friend Joe, asked her how the dinner was at the house and how she liked hanging with me. ( I didn’t ask him to do this.) She said I was, “Overpowering.” That night her ex was there and later she told me grilled him on why he never complimented her or made her feel good. She said it was all because of the interactions she had with me and she was amazed at how great I was. We have hung out a few times since but I’ve been real sick and have not been able to meet her out even though she has texted and invited me out quite a bit.

Since our last talk on the phone I’ve scaled back the text messages being so forward and I think that works better for me. I can do a little but I was doing too much.

Women are constantly smiling at me and I feel like my vibe, dress and attitude are all in sync. I’m feeling pretty confident.

I’m just going to keep meeting more women and surrounding my social circle with women and push to get more sexual with those I’m liking.

Your thoughts professor? Where should I be pushing myself?

Right after your workshop I got two make-outs and an almost-SNL

” Magic,

The workshop with you not only changed my perspectives on dating, but also gave me a new lease on life in general.

The thing that really got me was how you didn’t focus so much on teaching me new stuff, but on making me unlearn all the bad programming that I came with. Just chipping away at all the bad layers leaves one with just the right things that a person requires to attract quality women into their lives.

The fashion was huge too. Before I met you, I was positive that I had that area of my life handled. While I did dress better than the average Joe, you showed how it did not fit into my personality or the personality you felt I should project in order to come across as a sexy confident guy.

The result is now I’m getting a lot more attention from women than I ever got before and that just feeds into my inner confidence in a virtuous cycle kind of way.

The exercise in Kino and steamrolling initial resistance from the women (if any) by raising my energy and being more playful were the two biggest outer game lessons I took.

Your dedication to my getting this aspect of my life handled just blew me away. The unparalleled after-workshop support that you provide, be it through emails or forums cements that fact.

Right after your workshop I got two make-outs and an almost-SNL. All I need to do is continue down this path and work a little more on my inner game issues and I should be golden. You have already turned me from a shy introverted individual to the cool social guy all my friends wish they had the balls to be like!

If someone were to come up to me and ask me if it were prudent for them to part with their hard-earned money for one of your workshops?……………….the answer would be an emphatic, resounding, 100% YES!!!

Thanks Magic,

Vicky (Chicago) ”